Vaughan Gething, Minister for Health and Social Services
I am making this statement to provide an update on the implementation of targeted intervention framework at Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board.
Following a special tripartite meeting in November 2020, I received advice from the Chief Executive of NHS Wales that the escalation status of Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board should change. On the 24 November 2020, I issued a written statement announcing that Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board would come out of special measures with immediate effect. The status of the organisation is now targeted intervention
I am now in a position to publish the Targeted Intervention framework for the health board. We have determined that improvement is required in four key areas: mental health, strategy, planning and performance, leadership and engagement. This aligns with the recommendations from the tripartite meeting held in November. A maturity matrix approach has been agreed to track and evidence improvement. A number of actions are already in train. It has clearly been essential for the health board to focus its efforts on preparing and managing the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak in recent months. I’m confident that the Board is committed to do all that is needed to be a truly quality driven organisation.
It should be remembered that targeted intervention is still a heightened level of escalation that requires significant action on the part of the organisation and will be accompanied by a level of continued oversight from my officials. However the move out of special measures marks an undeniably positive step forward for the staff of the health board who have made and sustained the progress to end special measures. This is also of course a positive step forward for every community in North Wales that is served by the health board.