Mark Drakeford MS, First Minister of Wales
I am pleased to lay before the Senedd today, the sixth annual report on the Welsh Government’s implementation of Law Commission proposals.
Under Section 3C of the Law Commissions Act 1965, as inserted by Section 25 of the Wales Act 2014, the Welsh Ministers are required to report annually on the extent to which Law Commission proposals relating to Welsh devolved matters have been implemented.
This report covers the period from 15 February 2020 to 14 February 2021, and provides Members with an update about a number of areas that relate to Law Commission proposals as well as information on current and future Law Commission projects.
Progress has been made over the last twelve months on a range of issues that have been the subject of Law Commission recommendations. We issued our detailed final response to the Law Commission’s “Planning Law in Wales – Final Report”. This followed and supplemented our interim response, by setting out our position on each of the 192 recommendations made by the Law Commission to simplify and consolidate the legislation on all aspects of the planning system. We have made good progress in taking forward Law Commission proposals in relation to electoral reform, mental capacity and deprivation of liberty, taxi and private hire services, and wildlife law.
This report also provides information about how we are engaging with the Law Commission on its current and future projects. This includes important work relating to coal tip safety legislation, devolved Welsh tribunals and automated vehicles.
This update and the progress noted demonstrates the importance the Welsh Government places on Law Commission proposals.