Ken Skates MS, Cabinet Secretary for Transport and North Wales
Today, the promoting active travel provisions of the Environment (Air Quality and Soundscapes) (Wales) Act 2024 come into force. In accordance with section 11 of that Act and the new sections 10A, 10B and 10C of the Active Travel (Wales) Act 2013, I here outline the steps the Welsh Ministers will take to promote active travel as a way of reducing or limiting air pollution in Wales.
My priorities for walking, wheeling and cycling are:
- ensuring safe and inclusive access to public transport, especially for those without cars
- promoting walking, wheeling, and cycling to young people, supporting healthy access to education
- making the most of safer speed limits, reducing the need for expensive new infrastructure.
The new active travel provisions will support these priorities by:
- providing guidance to local authorities on promoting inclusive walking, wheeling and cycling, including signposting inclusive active travel promotional resources developed by Transport for Wales
- bringing together in one place, guidance and opportunities to promote walking, wheeling and cycling to young people and support healthy access to education
- helping local authorities to promote the active travel infrastructure already in place and make the most of the 20mph speed limit.
Supporting our delivery partners
Today I am writing to local authorities to share draft guidance on how they can fulfil their new duties under the promoting active travel provisions. I want their views on how we can best support them. It is important that the guidance supports the great work many of them are already doing and provides helpful information and resources on promoting walking, wheeling and cycling more broadly.
Helping people make informed travel choices
Working with partners in Transport for Wales and local authorities, the Welsh Government will continue to provide comprehensive information on the benefits of walking, wheeling and cycling, and help people make informed decisions about their travel options. This will include guidance on available active travel routes, cycle training, and the integration of active travel with public transport.
Walking, wheeling and cycling to schools
Through its Active Travel to Schools Hub, the Welsh Government will co-ordinate and collaborate with partners to promote walking, wheeling and cycling to schools. We will do this through initiatives such as the WOW Walk to School Programme and the Active Journeys Programme, and in particular by encouraging a holistic approach, pairing promotion with infrastructure improvements and travel planning and training.
Promoting our infrastructure
We will work with local authorities, Transport for Wales and other partners to enhance wayfinding and signage, ensuring that active travel routes are clearly marked and easily accessible. Additionally, we will promote bike storage solutions and the better integration of active travel with public transport.
Healthy travel charter
We will support and promote the work, led by Public Health Wales, on the Healthy Travel Charter across public, private, and third sector organisations, encouraging a shift towards healthy and sustainable travel options.
Leading by example
The Welsh Government commits to leading by example by promoting walking, wheeling, cycling and public transport within our own workforce, for commuting as well as work purposes. This includes implementing our own commitments made as a signatory to the Healthy Travel Charter. This means ensuring our facilities fully support active travel, offering a fit-for-purpose cycle to work scheme that is shaped by user feedback, and undertaking proactive communication and engagement on sustainable travel.
Internal policies will be developed to facilitate walking, wheeling and cycling for both staff and visitors.
Working across departments
Active travel will be promoted across all relevant Welsh Government departments, ensuring that it is integrated into broader policies and strategies. This will include cross-departmental collaboration on initiatives related to health, education, regeneration, planning and environmental sustainability.
Future development of the promoting active travel provision
We will review how the Welsh Ministers and local authorities progress in fulfilling their duty to promote active travel before making any decisions to consult with other public authorities about extending the duty to them under the new section 10B(3) of the Active Travel (Wales) Act 2013.