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Mick Antoniw MS, Counsel General and Minister for the Constitution

First published:
15 July 2021
Last updated:

In accordance with the inter-institutional relations agreement, I can report to Members of the Senedd that I represented the Welsh Government at an Inter-Ministerial Group for Elections and Registrations meeting on 9 June.

The meeting was held virtually and chaired by Chloe Smith MP, the UK Government’s Minister for the Constitution and Devolution. Robin Walker MP, Minister of State at the UK Government’s Northern Ireland Office and George Adam MSP, Scottish Government’s Minister for Parliamentary Business were also in attendance.

This was an introductory meeting, with a chance to consider the May 2021 polls and any lessons learned.  I reflected that on the whole the elections went well in extremely challenging circumstances and everyone worked well together.

We also had the chance to hear from the UK Government on their forthcoming legislation which was set out in the Queen’s Speech, the Elections Bill and the Dissolution and Calling of Parliament Bill.

A joint Communiqué was issued after the meeting, which is available at: Interministerial Group for Elections and Registration Communiqué: 9 June 2021 - GOV.UK (

We will continue to work together with meetings planned to take place on a quarterly basis with rotating chairing arrangements and I will keep Members updated.