Julie Morgan, Deputy Minister for Health and Social Service
Julie James, Minister for Housing and Local Government
The Integrated Care Fund (ICF) Annual Report 2019-20 has been published today.
This report provides a national overview of the fund in 2019-20 and describes how regional partnership boards have used ICF funding to help drive forward the integration of health, social care and housing. It is a snap shot of the ICF ahead of a full and independent evaluation of the programme which has been commissioned.
The ICF is now a well-established programme delivering seamless, integrated health and social care services to a wide range of vulnerable people across the breadth of Wales. It continues to make a significant contribution in helping us to deliver on our commitments in A Healthier Wales and the transformational Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014. Importantly it is helping to change the way services are delivered with partnership and collaboration at its very core.
By testing out new ways of working and making better, more effective use of resources, the ICF is supporting system change where care is often provided at or close to home. Not only is this enabling people to remain independent in their own home and continue to be part of a community, but it is helping to reduce pressure on the NHS and social care services.
This report showcases the very best of what has been achieved by the ICF during 2019-20. Projects vary in size and nature but all play their own part in bringing about a change for the better in the way services are delivered for the people of Wales.
The latter part of 2019-20 was of course a very challenging time as we all felt, on a personal and professional level, the impact of the Covid 19 pandemic. The ICF played an important part in the national response to the crisis, as many projects and services were scaled up or modified to help cope with what was unprecedented demand for services. These included various hospital to home, rapid discharge and hospital avoidance schemes. Community co-ordinators also played a key role in leading the community response and helping people who were isolated access the services and support they needed, including shopping and prescription collection.
We are delighted that the ICF (revenue and capital), and of course the Transformation Fund, will continue for a further year until March 2022, and we investing a further £129 million in the ICF in 2021-22. This significant investment will enable regional partnership boards to build on achievement to date and ensure momentum can be maintained.
Finally, we would like to acknowledge the commitment of all the regional partnership boards in delivering the ICF and in coproducing this report. By working together in partnership we really are making a difference.