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Julie James MS, Cabinet Secretary for Housing, Local Government and Planning

First published:
14 May 2024
Last updated:

During the scrutiny process of the Infrastructure (Wales) Bill, I worked with members to support changes to the Bill, and committed to continued engagement on the subordinate legislation.

Following the passing of the Bill at Stage 4, I have published two short consultation papers where I welcome input from members and other stakeholders.

The first consultation paper focuses on the pre-application consultation procedure and is a call for evidence to stakeholders, local communities and other interested parties to seek ideas and suggestions for how pre-application consultation should be conducted to ensure maximum engagement. This is available here: Infrastructure (Wales) Bill: requirements for pre-application consultation | GOV.WALES

The second consultation paper focuses on fees for the consenting process and seeks views and evidence to support cost recovery. This is available here: Infrastructure (Wales) Bill: fees for functions and services | GOV.WALES

Following on from this evidence, a final consultation paper will be issued, outlining the new consenting process. I intend publishing that consultation later this year.