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Jeremy Miles MS, Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care

First published:
19 September 2024
Last updated:

The draft Health Services (Provider Selection Regime) (Wales) Regulations 2024 laid before the Senedd on 13 August have been withdrawn. 

The draft regulations introduce a new regime for the procurement of health services on behalf of the NHS in Wales, as provided for by the Health Service Procurement (Wales) Act 2024.

The draft regulations include provisions to disapply the UK Government’s Procurement Act in relation to health service procurement in Wales. Subject to approval by the Senedd, the draft regulations were due to commence on 28 October, to coincide with the commencement of wider public procurement reforms being introduced by the Procurement Act. 

However, on 12 September, the UK Government announced it was delaying the commencement of the Procurement Act until February 2025. This means the provisions currently included in the draft regulations to disapply health service procurement from the Procurement Act need to be amended to ensure their effective operation. 

The draft regulations will therefore be amended and re-laid for Senedd approval at a future date. I will provide Members with an update in due course.