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Jeremy Miles MS, Minister for Education and Welsh Language

First published:
6 September 2021
Last updated:

A consultation on subordinate legislation for the assessment arrangements resulting from and consequential to the Curriculum & Assessment (Wales) Act 2021 (the Act) has been launched today. Welsh Government officials have been working with practitioners and colleagues across the education system to co-construct the approach being taken and the consultation document.

Through this consultation, I am seeking views on detailed policy proposals relating to four specific pieces of subordinate legislation under the Act, which together provide a full overview of the approach to assessment within the Curriculum for Wales and the associated processes that need to be in place to support learner progression.  

Specifically, the consultation document sets out how we intend to use the powers under Part 4 of the Act to make regulations about assessment and progression and seeks views on our intended policy approach. The intention is that two new pieces of subordinate legislation will be made under the Act and two sets of current regulations will be revised.

The two new pieces of subordinate legislation proposed are:

  • Section 56 - Duty to make provision about assessment arrangements - Regulations to require a “relevant person” to make, implement  and review assessment arrangements;
  • Section 57 - Promoting and maintaining understanding of progression - this allows for a Direction to be issued to a relevant person around the steps that need to be taken to promoting and maintaining a shared understanding of progression.

The two sets of current regulations which need revision to bring existing requirements in line with the Act and the ethos of the curriculum and assessment arrangements are:

  • Transition from Primary to Secondary school - Provision for which is currently made in the Transition from Primary to Secondary School (Wales) Regulations 2006;
  • Reporting to parents/carers - Provision for which is currently made in the Head Teacher’s Report to Parents and Adult Pupils (Wales) Regulations 2011.

Together, these proposed changes in subordinate legislation will clearly set out our intentions around assessment within schools, its relationship to progression and transition and importantly, how parents and carers are to be involved and supported in this regard.

The consultation document is available here and the closing date for responses is 31 October 2021.  I welcome and encourage the views of all those with an interest in the reforms to help continue to shape and deliver Curriculum for Wales.

This statement is being issued during recess in order to keep members informed. Should members wish me to make a further statement or to answer questions on this when the Senedd returns I would be happy to do so.