Alan Davies AM, Minister for Natural Resources and Food
I would like to inform Assembly Members that as from 27 May 2013 I will be making £1.5 million available for Resilient Ecosystem projects. This funding builds on the success of the last two years of the Ecosystem Resilience, Diversity and Compliance fund and seeks to deliver healthy ecosystems in Wales.
Wales' environment is facing increasing pressures from our modern uses of land and water that are leading to poor soil and water quality and increased pressure on species and habitats as highlighted in the recent state of nature report.
To tackle these challenges we need to make sure we are managing our natural resources as a whole. We need to understand how we obtain the services we need while sustaining a resilient and healthy environment.
Maintaining healthy ecosystems is less expensive than treating problems later on. For example, good land management in river catchments can keep water clean and reduce flooding. Well-functioning ecosystems will be more resilient to climate change and extreme weather events.
The Ecosystem resilience and diversity fund will be focused on delivering better outcomes for habitats, species and tackling the issue of invasive non-native species, within this wider context. It will be delivered in partnership with Natural Resources Wales and the Wales Biodiversity Partnership.