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Terms of reference of the Workforce Partnership Council (WPC) Joint Executive Committee (JEC).

Purpose of the WPC Joint Executive Committee

1.1 The WPC JEC is accountable to the WPC. It operates in equal partnership between Welsh Government, Employers in the devolved public services and Trade Unions in Wales. Agreement in this context means the agreement of all 3 parties.

1.2 The purpose of the JEC is to facilitate the work of the WPC, in consultation with representative bodies.  For example it might:

  • provide a forum for early engagement and strategic dialogue on workforce matters between Trade Unions, Employers in the devolved public services, and Welsh Government, and/ or
  • determine, in consultation with constituent groups, those cross-public sector workforce matters which it considers would merit a strategic approach
  • develop a formal annual programme, for agreement by the WPC, prioritising the most significant, strategic, cross-public sector workforce matters.


2.1 Employers, Trade Unions and Welsh Government will each determine 3 members of the JEC from their own membership. Each social partner will have in place their own governance arrangements to ensure that members of the JEC have the necessary authority to facilitate the work of the WPC on behalf of those whom they represent.  

2.2 The role of Chair of the JEC will be shared equally between all 3 social partners, with the individual Chair being nominated from within their own group.

2.3 Additional participants can be invited to attend meetings of the JEC for specific purposes, for example Welsh Government policy leads as required by the agenda. 

2.4 Meetings are not quorate unless each partner is represented. All 3 partners must agree, prior to the meeting, if the JEC is to meet with fewer than 3 members from each partner. 

2.5 Each partner may substitute 1 member for any meeting. The choice of substitute is at the discretion of the partner. 

2.6 Each partner may have up to 3 observers. The choice of observers is at the discretion of each partner. Observers include individuals who could substitute for a member but no partner is required to select a substitute only from its observers. If an individual who is usually observing meetings substitutes for a member, the observer seat may be back-filled.

Functions of the WPC Joint Executive Committee

3.1 The JEC will undertake the following functions:

  • develop a formal annual work programme for consideration by the WPC, prioritising the most significant cross public sector and all Wales workforce matters
  • identify and propose any additional  matters which it considers appropriate for the WPC to consider
  • engage with and consult relevant representative bodies
  • support the WPC to develop solutions to/ agreement on/ guidance in respect of the matters included in the annual work programme
  • support the WPC to implement/ disseminate the outcome of their discussions
  • monitor and report to the WPC on implementation/ dissemination 
  • evaluate the impact of this activity 
  • set and monitor the work programme of the Joint Secretariat.


4.1 The JEC will meet at least quarterly, or as required to facilitate the work of the WPC. There may be exceptions to this, for example during Assembly Recess or because of unexpected events.

Operation of meetings

5.1 Secretariat functions for these meetings will be provided by the Joint Secretariat of the WPC.  In addition, all 3 social partners will prepare papers if required.

5.2 The meeting note will record key points of discussion and any actions. The note will be circulated to the wider membership of the WPC and published on the WPC website.

Confidentiality, interests, media

6.1 Any conflicts of interest will need to be declared at the start of each meeting. Documentation may be subject to access to information requests made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Where such requests are received the Welsh Government's standard Freedom of Information procedures will be followed.


7.1 After 12 months, the WPC will review the operation of the JEC to ensure that its activities and arrangements remain appropriate and fit for purpose. Thereafter, these arrangements will be reviewed every 3 years.