We have now entered the seasonally vector low period for bluetongue (SVLP).
This follows advice from experts at The Pirbright Institute, the Animal and Plant Health Agency and The Met Office. Risk of new infection and onward transmission due to vector activity is now very low. This is due to lower temperatures and reduced midge activity.
The SVLP for bluetongue provides a short window of opportunity for livestock from the RZ in England to move to Wales or Scotland to live. This is subject to the following conditions.
To move livestock out of the bluetongue RZ in England, keepers will need to:
- Apply for a specific movement licence at least 10 working days before the movement of animals and before you request testing. Apply to move animals within, into and out of bluetongue zones - GOV.UK.
- Obtain a valid bluetongue pre-movement test before the movement can take place. A vet should sample the animals no more than 21 days before the move. This allows time to get the test results.
- Providing a negative pre-movement test result is received, move the animals within 21 days of the initial test, in line with licence requirements.
- Please note: any animals testing positive for bluetongue at pre-movement test cannot move out of the RZ in England to live in Wales.
- Move animals within the time period specified in the conditions of the licence. You should contact APHA if you are unable to move within this period.
- Note: post-movement testing of animals moved out of the RZ in England to live is no longer required GB wide during the SVLP.
The movement must take place within 21 days of the sample being taken during the SVLP. As we get nearer to the time when midges become active, we will review the 21-day validity of the test. We may reduce the time allowed between sampling and movement.
Free pre-movement tests are available for holdings within the RZ in England from: Bluetongue: get free testing for your animals - GOV.UK.
If the dam tests negative for bluetongue, we are permitting offspring born on or after 1 December 2024 to travel at foot without pre-movement testing. Neither animal must be showing clinical signs at the time of sampling or movement. These animals can move from the RZ into England, Scotland or Wales. This is only permitted during the SVLP.
Applications for a movement licence out of the RZ in England can be accessed from: Bluetongue movement licences and designated slaughterhouses - GOV.UK
A movement licence will allow movement of animals:
- direct to a destination premises in GB
- direct to a market within the zone in England or direct to a market in GB, for sale and for direct onward transport to a destination premises in GB
- direct to a show in GB
The requirement for slaughterhouses to be designated to receive animals from the RZ in England is also removed.
The use of insecticides in transport, at approved markets or designated abattoirs is currently not required.
Animal keepers are advised to plan ahead when considering the best time to move animals from the RZ in England to Wales. They should ensure there is access to handling facilities for sampling. A high volume of pre-movement testing is expected to take place during the current SVLP for bluetongue. Turnaround time for this testing may fluctuate. This may lead to a longer turnaround time for test results.
You should consider likely lambing and calving dates to ensure animals can be tested and moved back to their home holding safely.
The current SVLP for bluetongue is dependent on several factors, including temperature. Consequently, movement regulations may change at short notice. When this low vector period ends, restrictions on the movement of animals from the RZ are likely to be reimposed in line with the previous policy.
We are monitoring midge activity and weather conditions to determine when the SVLP should end. We currently expect to review this and the 21 day period of validity for tests on 1 March 2025.