Welsh Statistical Liaison Committee, 2 February 2023: agenda
Agenda for the Welsh Statistical Liaison Committee meeting on 2 February 2023.
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10:00 Item 1: Welcome, introductions and apologies (Steph Howarth, Welsh Government)
10:05 Item 2 (Steph Howarth, Welsh Government):
- Note of last meeting (WSLC (2023 02) 01)
- Update on action points (WSLC (2023 02) 01A)
- Statistics Wales quarterly update (WSLC (2023 02) 02)
- Demography update (WSLC (2023 02) 03)
- Data Cymru update (WSLC (2023 02) 04)
10:25 Item 3: National Survey for Wales (Chris McGowan, Welsh Government)
10:40 Item 4: ONS Local (Ceri Lewis and Heledd Rees, Office for National Statistics)
11:00 Comfort break
11:10 Item 5: Census
- Census outputs update (Gerald Williams and Pete Large, Office for National Statistics)
- Upcoming consultation on population and social statistics (Ed Morgan, Office for National Statistics)
- Census Geographies (John Morris and Dave Roberts, Welsh Government and Andy Bates, Office for National Statistics)
- Q&A
- Census Benefits Project (Kerry Earnshaw, Office for National Statistics)
12:00 Item 6: Population estimates update (Martin Parry, Welsh Government)
12:20 Item 7: Cost of living
- Cost of Living dashboard (Sam Sullivan, Data Cymru)
- Indicators at LSOA level to help target interventions for cost of living and winter pressures in Neath Port Talbot (Hugo Cosh, Public Health Wales)
12:55: Any other business
13:00: Close
The next meeting will be held on Thursday 8 June 2023.