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How to complain about the Welsh Revenue Authority (WRA).

When to use our complaints process

Contact us as soon as possible if you’re unhappy with the service you receive, for example:

  • mistakes
  • how we’ve treated you
  • misconduct by WRA staff

We’ll look at your complaint and try to put things right.

Follow a different process if you:

Contact our Information Officer if your complaint is about a freedom of information request.

How to make a complaint

You can use our online complaint form.

Or write to us at:

Welsh Revenue Authority

PO Box 108
Merthyr Tydfil
CF47 7DL

Telephone: 03000 254 000

Rydym yn croesawu galwadau yn Gymraeg / We welcome calls in Welsh.

You can also authorise someone else on your behalf to complain for you.

How we use your information

See our privacy policy for how we use the information you provide.

What we’ll do next

We’ll acknowledge your complaint and respond within 20 working days of receiving it.

If your complaint is more complex and we need more time, we’ll let you know.

Usually, we’ll only be able to look at a complaint if you tell us about it within 6 months.

We do not consider complaints about matters that took place more than 3 years before you raised the issue.


We’ll let you know the outcome and why we’ve reached our conclusion.

  • If we’ve made a mistake, we’ll explain what happened and put things right as soon as we can.
  • If we identify improvements to our processes when dealing with your complaint, we’ll tell you about them.
  • If we got it wrong, we’ll apologise.

How to take your complaint further

If you’re unhappy with our final decision, you can escalate your complaint to the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales.

Managing your tax affairs during a complaint

You should continue to pay any tax due while the WRA or the Ombudsman resolve your complaint.