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The People survey ran from 22 September to 31 October.

  • 74 WRA staff took part in the survey.
  • 89% response rate.
  • Employee engagement index for the WRA was 77% positive.

Employee engagement is a workplace approach designed to ensure that employees are committed to their organisation’s goals and values, and are motivated to contribute to organisational success.

Headline results

WRA People Survey 2022 results for employee engagement and 9 core themes


% Positive

Difference to previous survey

Difference to Civil Service Benchmark

Engagement index




My work




Organisation objectives and purpose 




My manager




My team




Learning and development




Inclusion and fair treatment




Resources and workload




Pay and benefits




Leading and managing change





Glossary of main terms
Term Definition
% Positive The proportion who chose 'agree' or 'strongly agree', averaged across all questions within the theme
Previous survey Comparisons with the previous survey relate to the results of the 2021 Civil Service People Survey
Civil Service Benchmark The median of the positive percentage across all organisations that participated in the 2022 Civil Service People Survey

Employee engagement index

The survey includes 5 questions that make up the engagement index. 

The index score represents the average level of engagement in that unit and ranges from 0 to 100. An index score of 0 represents all respondents in that unit saying they strongly disagree to all 5 engagement questions and a score of 100 represents all respondents saying they strongly agree to all 5 engagement questions.


Results are presented as whole numbers for ease of reading, with rounding performed at the last stage of calculation for maximum accuracy. Therefore in some instances, the differences presented in this report will not match the rounded figures of the scores being compared.

For example, if your unrounded Engagement Index score is 75.4%, your organisation overall's score is 74.6%, in this report these scores would both appear as 75%.


The survey was carried out as part of the 2022 Civil Service People Survey, which is managed by the Cabinet Office on behalf of all participating organisations. An external organisation is commissioned by Cabinet Office to carry out the Survey. 

To protect the anonymity of individuals, groups of fewer than 10 respondents will not be reported on, however their responses do contribute to the overall scores for the unit and organisation they belong to and the overall Civil Service results.

The Civil Service People Survey Privacy Notice can be found on GOV.UK