Welsh Economic Statistics User Group, 14 March 2024: agenda
Agenda for the Welsh Economic Statistics User Group on 14 March 2024.
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14:00 Item 1: Welcome, introductions and apologies (Tom Nicholls, Welsh Government)
14:05 Item 2: Census 2021 Travel to Work data - guidance and planned developments (Joe Jenkins, Office for National Statistics)
14:25 Item 3: Conceptualising and Measuring the Location of Work (Professor Alan Felstead, Cardiff University)
14:45 Item 4: Hybrid working summary from literature review (Linta Mathew, Welsh Government)
14:55 Comfort break
15:05 Item 5: Rail Station Usage Data (Mel Brown, Welsh Government)
15:25 Item 6: Development of new National Travel Survey for Wales (David Swarts, Transport for Wales)
15:45 Item 7: Update on Labour Force Survey and TLFS (Alex Fitzpatrick, Welsh Government)
15:55 Item 8: Any other business / Close