Welsh Economic Statistics User Group, 11 October 2022: agenda
Agenda for the Welsh Economic Statistics User Group on 11 October 2022.
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11:30 Item 1: Welcome, introductions and apologies
11:35 Item 2: Term of reference
11:45 Item 3: Welsh Government presentation on economic statistics
- Role of analysts in Welsh Government and how we work with partners
- Overview of current publications and products
- Priorities for the 1 to 3 years ahead
12:25 Item 4: Comfort break
12:35 Item 5: Office for National Statistics presentation (current work, priorities and developments)
13:10 Item 6: Discussion (awareness of work, priorities, opportunities for working together, gaps etc) and agree priority topic for focus of next meeting
13:25 Item 7: Any other business
13:30 Item 8: Close