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Overview of the Streamlining Welsh Benefits project.

Vision statement

Turning financial rights into reality

A person-centred, compassionate, and consistent approach to the design and delivery of Welsh Benefits, underpinned by the Welsh Benefits Charter principles, which enables people to only tell their story once to receive all the financial support to which they are entitled, regardless of where they live in Wales.


Over the past 5 years, The Bevan Foundation has released a series of reports that set out the practical steps which can be taken to create a coherent Welsh Benefits System. In their report published in April 2023 (A common approach to Welsh benefits: Feasibility study) they make a number of short- and longer-term recommendations to increase uniformity across Welsh benefits. Their latest report published in January 2024, ‘Making the case for a Welsh Benefits System people’s experiences’, further highlights the need for this work to progress at pace.

There has been progress towards this, notably the launch of the Welsh Benefits Charter in January 2024. The Charter sets out the guiding principles necessary for the design and delivery of a compassionate, person-centered and accessible Welsh benefits system where people only need to tell their story once to receive all the financial support that they are entitled to. The Charter was co-designed with the Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA), Local Authorities, and key stakeholders. It was signed by all 22 Local Authorities and is a collective commitment to improve outcomes for the people of Wales.   

Streamlining Welsh Benefits Steering Group

A Steering Group (Streamlining Welsh Benefits) has now been established to develop an implementation plan to turn the Charter commitments into action. The group is independently chaired by Fran Targett and includes representatives from Welsh Government, WLGA, Centre for Digital Public Services (CDPS), Local Authorities, and key Third Sector Partners. The group will report to Ministers and the Partnership Council for Wales with regular updates. 

One of the initial tasks of the Steering Group was to form the following Workstreams to inform the implementation plan.

  1. “Phase One” (focusing on Council Tax Reduction Scheme, Schools Essentials Grant, Free School Meals),
  2. Design and Data,
  3. Eligibility (to develop a route map for brining other benefits into the streamlined process),
  4. Monitoring, Evaluation and Research,
  5. Strategic Communications, and
  6. Learning and Development

Each of the Workstreams has a Welsh Government facilitator and a set of agreed aims and priorities which they will work to deliver over the coming months.

To support Steering Group and Workstream activity, a cross-organisational project team has been formed, bringing together expertise from CDPS, WLGA and Welsh Government.

The Steering Group recognise the central role that local authorities will play in this project and have been working closely with WLGA to understand implications for local authorities.

All 22 local authorities have nominated a Senior Responsible Officer to drive work forward within their local authority and to join an advisory group set up by WLGA to provide expertise and guidance to the Steering Group. The advisory group will feedback regularly to the Steering Group and Workstreams.

What does success look like

  • The long-term aim is for an individual to access their financial entitlements in a simplified way no matter where they live in Wales.
  • The Welsh Benefits system will act as a coherent system where people are at the heart of its design and delivery.
  • People will be able to tell their story once to receive what they are entitled to, rather than provide duplicate information and evidence numerous times.
  • There will be a cultural shift towards rights and entitlements, whereby, barriers such as stigma are considered and removed as far as possible.
  • The commitments and outcomes within the Welsh Benefits Charter will underpin the success of these aims.

Further Information

Further information on the work of the Steering Group including membership and updated minutes of meetings can be found on the Streamlining Welsh Benefits Steering Group.