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Young Person award 2023 winner

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Skye Neville is a 12-year environmental campaigner from Fairbourne in Gwynedd.

A keen reader, Skye was shocked at the amount of cheap plastic toys and packaging included with some of her favourite magazines. She discovered that around 10 million pieces of plastic are given away each week in young people’s comics and magazines. She decided to do something about it and wrote letters to the publishers, her MP, media and retailers. Then Skye set up a petition on which has been signed by over 66,000 people. Skye’s big victory was when a senior manager at Waitrose heard her campaign and agreed with her, within weeks they stopped selling comics and magazines that included cheap plastic toys.

Skye is now the Chief Campaigns Officer for Kids Against Plastic which has seen her speak to the United Nations Sustainability Council. She is regularly in media publications and talks at various events. Skye has been featured in CBBC Regenerators and Newsround.

Most recently Skye has spent 3 months volunteering as a marine plastics officer at COPROT, a sea turtle conservation project in Costa Rica. Here Skye has helped to engage local schools and communities, setting up beach cleans and exploring ways to recycle plastic waste. Skye also hosts a monthly education programme called EcoChamps which aims to engage and connect with young people around the world. Her campaigning has inspired thousands of young people across the globe to believe that their voice can be heard and they can make change happen.