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Nominated for Bravery award

Owain Williams was on his way home from school when he was suddenly and shockingly involved in an accident when a van and car collided near him. Owain was struck by the van and a wall partially collapsed on top of him. Victoria James, a supply teacher at the school alongside passers-by, Steven Wardman and Ross Wellington stepped in to provide first aid on the side of the road. Acting quickly and selflessly they gave crucial life-saving interventions. Their intervention undoubtedly helped save his life.

As a result of being hit by the van and the collapsing wall, Owain suffered severe and life-threatening injuries. In this shocking situation, not only did the three adults demonstrate acts of real bravery but Owain himself showed bravery too in facing these traumatic events at such a young age. He has shown unbelievable courage and determination in overcoming the after-effects of the incident and his injuries. Additionally, the event has pulled the school community together ensuring it was made accessible for Owain.