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Nominated for Community spirit award

Carole Ann Dacey from Penarth is a volunteer who has given many years of service to a range of charities, most notably the Samaritans and the Salvation Army.

A former auxiliary nurse, Carole Ann began working at Llandough Primary School in the 1980s and loved to help children with special needs with their reading. She also started volunteering with the National Childrens Home for several years.

Carole Ann began volunteering for the Samaritans in 2003 which she still does to this day. She trained to work as a volunteer at HMP Cardiff and helped train and ‘Prisoner listeners’ who support fellow prisoners. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Carole has worked extra shifts at the Samaritans centre in order to help keep the service running during the pandemic.

Carole Ann has also been a long standing volunteer with the Salvation Army. She began helping with the purple bus project in Cardiff city centre to provide food for the homeless. During the pandemic she prepared over 260 packed breakfasts and lunches every day to distribute to the homeless staying at Salvation Army hostels.

4 years ago, Carole Ann also joined the Salvation Army Modern Slavery as a chaperone and driver to help transport victims of modern slavery and sex trafficking to safe houses all over the country.

Following a holiday in Kenya in 2010, Carole Ann also started to fund raise for the Utanga orphanage charity in Mombasa to buy school teaching aids and support the Feed the 500 programme.