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May 2024 Data

This year’s publication includes 12 standard questions which all landlords have asked their tenants within the last two years based on a standard methodology, but with a range of collection methods. 

The data is provided by landlords, and published by the Welsh Government, to provide stakeholders with information they can explore with the landlords. The data is not validated by the Welsh Government.

Comparison of tenant satisfaction levels should considered very carefully, taking into account a range of factors including the number of properties managed by the landlord as well as the age and location of the properties.

May 2023 Data

Last year’s publication included the same 12 standard questions which all social landlords asked their tenants within the last two years of 2023 based on a standard methodology.   

Data was not validated by the Welsh Government.

See: Social landlords: tenant satisfaction survey 2023 | GOV.WALES

May 2022 Data 

2022’s publication also included the 12 standard questions which all social landlords asked their tenants within the last two years of 2022 based on a standard methodology.   

Data was not validated by the Welsh Government.

See: Social landlords: tenant satisfaction survey May 2022 | GOV.WALES

May 2021 Data

As part of the current 5-year social housing rent agreement, social landlords undertook a standardised tenant satisfaction survey. The intention was for the survey results to be available for publication by April 2021 and surveys then to be carried out at least every two years. However, because of the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic, in May 2021 we published limited data across the following areas;

  • service provided by the landlord
  • quality of their home
  • repairs and maintenance
  • the neighbourhood
  • value for money
  • how well the landlord listens to them

See: Social landlords: tenant satisfaction survey May 2021 | GOV.WALES

1. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the service provided by your social landlord?

1. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the service provided by your social landlord?

2. How satisfied or dissatsfied are you with the overall quality of your home?

2. How satisfied or dissatsfied are you with the overall quality of your home?

3. Generally, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the way your housing association deals with repairs and maintenance?

3. Generally, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the way your housing association deals with repairs and maintenance?

4. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your neighbourhood as a place to live?

4. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your neighbourhood as a place to live?

5. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that your rent provides value for money?

5. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that your rent provides value for money?

6. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that your service charges provide value for money?

6. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that your service charges provide value for money?

7. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that your housing association listens to your views and acts upon them?

7. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that your housing association listens to your views and acts upon them?

8. Thinking about your home specifically, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you that your housing association provides a home that is safe and secure?

8. Thinking about your home specifically, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you that your housing association provides a home that is safe and secure?

9. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the way your housing association deals with anti social behaviour?

9. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the way your housing association deals with anti social behaviour?

10. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with opportunities given to you to participate in [your social housing provider]’s decision making processes?

10. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with opportunities given to you to participate in [your social housing provider]’s decision making processes?

11. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that [your social housing provider] gives you a say in how services are managed?

11. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that [your social housing provider] gives you a say in how services are managed?

12. To what extent do you agree with the following statement - "i trust my housing association"

12. To what extent do you agree with the following statement - "i trust my housing association"