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We welcome emails from anyone experiencing domestic abuse and sexual violence, their friends and family, colleagues or practitioners seeking professional advice.
What homebuyers can and cannot do as part of the equity loan scheme.
Public response
Commission on Justice in Wales
Submission to the Commission for Justice in Wales’ call for evidence from Why Me?
Use this form to apply for a bathing water to be designated or de-designated.
How to apply for designation of a bathing water, or for an existing bathing water to be de-designated.
FOI release
Copies of correspondence relating to de-pooling of service charges from rents.
Full terms and conditions for using this service.
Full terms and conditions for using this service.
Guidance, Document
How to apply for designation of a bathing water, or for an existing bathing water to be de-designated.
Our policy on treating customers fairly and what it means for you.
Apply for and manage rural payments, manage your business or customer information.
Press release
A new project to rediscover the fascinating heritage of the early medieval saints, St David and his pupil St Aidan, has been announced today by the Counsel General and Brexit Minister, Jeremy Miles.
For people who have already completed the National Survey telephone questions.
Form to buy a mobile home.
How to resend your Government Gateway user ID
Guidance to help you when buying a mobile home.
Task and finish group report on how to improve care for people with ME, chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromylagia.
For parents, includes how to view, accept and change agreements for Childcare Offer funded hours.
FOI release
Information about service charges and rent de-pooling by Cartrefi Cymunedol Gwynedd Cyfyngedig / Adra (Tai) Cyfyngedig and Welsh Government.
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