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Cabinet statement
Deputy Minister for Economy and Transport, Minister for Education, Minister for Housing and Local Government and the Minister for International Relations and the Welsh Language
Cabinet statement
Dafydd Elis-Thomas MS, Deputy Minister for Culture, Sport and Tourism
Press release
National Library of Wales
Dafydd Elis Thomas, Deputy Minister for Culture, Sport and Tourism, has announced four new appointments to the National Library of Wales.
Cabinet statement
Jeremy Miles AM, Counsel General
Cabinet statement
Carl Sargeant, Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Children
Cabinet statement
Carl Sargeant, Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Children
Cabinet statement
Carwyn Jones, First Minister
Cabinet statement
Vaughan Gething, Cabinet Secretary for Health, Wellbeing and Sport
Cabinet statement
Carl Sargeant, Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Children
Cabinet statement
Carwyn Jones, First Minister
Cabinet statement
Cardiff International Airport
Julie James MS, Minister for Climate Change
Press release
Childcare providers are being asked for their views on the Welsh Government’s commitment to provide 30 hours of government funded early education and childcare to working parents.
Press release
Private Landlords in Wales have just eight weeks until the deadline to register themselves and their properties with Rent Smart Wales.
Press release
The Minister for Skills and Science Julie James congratulated the Regional Skills Partnership in North Wales on the development of their Regional Skills and Employment Plan 2017-18.
Press release
A temporary relaxation of obligations, or ‘derogations’, have been announced by Welsh Government to assist Glastir farmers and land owners affected by the current dry weather.
Press release
The Welsh Government have issued a statement on the latest NHS Wales performance data published today (Thursday, 23 December).
Press release
The Health Minister, Vaughan Gething has today announced that Coronavirus testing will be extended to all care home residents and staff - the move comes following the latest scientific evidence.
Press release
First Minister Mark Drakeford has today announced the inspirational people shortlisted for a St David Award.
Press release
An extra £25m investment will help the NHS to continue the move to more digital services, Health and Social Services Minister Vaughan Gething said today.
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