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Cabinet statement
The Rt Hon Carwyn Jones AM, First Minister of Wales
Cabinet statement
The Rt Hon Carwyn Jones AM, First Minister of Wales
Cabinet statement
Leighton Andrews, Minister for Education and Skills
Cabinet statement
Rt. Hon Carwyn Jones, First Minister of Wales
Cabinet statement
Ken Skates, Deputy Minister for Skills and Technology
Cabinet statement
Rt Hon Carwyn Jones AM, First Minister of Wales
Cabinet statement
Vaughan Gething, Cabinet Secretary for Health, Well-being and Sport
Press release
Decision backed with £29 million to recruit, recover and raise standards.
Press release
The surrender of Japan to the Allied forces 75 years ago, signalled the end of the Second World War.
Cabinet statement
Digital Health and Care Wales
Vaughan Gething, Minister for Health and Social Services
Cabinet statement
Vaughan Gething AM, Minister for Health and Social Services.
Press release
The £20m Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre Cymru will open for business today in Broughton.
Cabinet statement
Lesley Griffiths AM, Cabinet Secretary Energy, Planning and Rural Affairs
Cabinet statement
Carwyn Jones, First Minister
Cabinet statement
First Minister, Mark Drakeford MS
Cabinet statement
Alun Davies, Cabinet Secretary for Local Government & Public Services
Press release
A major new campaign to promote Wales as an excellent place for doctors, including GPs, and their families, to train, work and live has been launched by First Minister of Wales, Carwyn Jones.
Press release
Building strong foundations for growth, supercharging the industries of the future and empowering Wales regions are all at the heart of a new economic action plan.
Press release
Health Secretary Vaughan Gething launches Choose Well, Choose Pharmacy this Winter campaign with call to plan ahead.
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