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Press release
The development of a new app, which allows users to share their health profile and potentially draw attention to rare or complex medical conditions with health services, both in the UK and abroad – like a passport – has been highlighted on Rare Disease Day by Health and Social Services Minister Eluned Morgan.
Press release
Wales has become the first country in the UK to guarantee ongoing funding for children to continue to receive free school meals throughout the summer holidays in response to the coronavirus pandemic.
Cabinet statement
Jeremy Miles MS, Counsel General and Minister for European Transition
Cabinet statement
Eluned Morgan MS, Minister for Mental Health, Wellbeing and Welsh Language
Press release
People living in south west Wales will have a chance to make their voices heard about transport options in their area.
Cabinet statement
Jane Hutt, Deputy Minister and Chief Whip
News story
The Chief Medical Officer for Wales has set out his advice to inform the review of coronavirus restrictions on 1 April, recommending the need to maintain a cautious and incremental approach to lifting restrictions
Press release
The coronavirus lockdown in Wales will be extended for a further 3 weeks, with minor adjustments proposed but maximum caution maintained to ensure the virus does not spread, First Minister Mark Drakeford has confirmed.
Cabinet statement
Mark Drakeford MS, First Minister
Cabinet statement
Mark Drakeford, Cabinet Secretary for Finance
Press release
The Welsh Government has responded to the latest NHS Performance data published today (November 23rd).
Cabinet statement
Huw Irranca-Davies, Cabinet Secretary for Climate Change and Rural Affairs
Press release
The Welsh Government has today announced that 27 woodland sites will join the National Forest for Wales network.
Press release
The first national scheme of its kind in the UK, which will protect Welsh local authorities and all fire and rescue services in Wales from cyber-attacks, has launched today .
Press release
Early Years Minister Jayne Bryant has welcomed guidance aimed at creating an anti-racist culture in childcare settings in Wales during a launch event in North Wales.
Press release
Chief Nursing Officer for Wales (CNO), Sue Tranka, commences her third year in post and recognises the importance in supporting efforts to enhance the wellbeing of the professions through physical, emotional, work-life balance and fostering a supportive workplace culture.
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