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Responses sent on 12 to 23 February 2024.
To help inform the development of the Delivering Digital Inclusion framework, this report presents a synthesis of available evidence on digital inclusion and engagement in Wales.
Data on authorised and unauthorised absenteeism by pupils of compulsory school age for September 2017 to August 2018.
The programme was delivered in two phases. The evaluations looked at whether the project successfully achieved its aims and objectives.
A series of recommendations for us to take forward to address unequal representation among elected councillors in local government.
The effect of the proposed Order will be to prohibit any vehicle proceeding on the northbound carriageway to make a right hand turn to access, at either end, the lay-by and restrict any vehicle from waiting for a period longer than 2 hours at any time with no return within 1 hour on the lay-by.
Data on authorised and unauthorised absenteeism by pupils of compulsory school age for September 2017 to August 2018.
Examines the demand, capacity and design of services for children, young people and adults in Wales.
The report helps us assess whether we are making progress against the 7 national wellbeing goals.
Evidence examining the market, competition and economic implications of devolving air passenger duty (APD) to the Welsh Government.
Research about how landlords independently externally verify compliance with the Welsh Housing Quality Standard.
Many young single homeless people are owed a duty under homelessness provisions by local authorities.
A suitability assessment of the current funding arrangements which support the growth and development of Social Enterprise.
The Safer Communities Fund is the major source of funding dedicated to youth crime prevention work.
An accessible, handy sized reference book showing long term trends in health.
This study collected and analysed the 'housing histories' of people who had experienced and subsequently escaped homelessness.
The Supporting People Programme aims to help vulnerable people gain and retain independence by remaining in their own homes and by providing a range of housing related support services.
The Volunteering Grants Programme provides funding via three separate grant schemes to increase volunteering levels in Wales.
These reports cover the general principles and processes leading up to the production of our statistics.
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