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Press release
The Welsh Government is making £5.25m available to assist Wales' arts organisations, museums, libraries and independent cinemas through the winter months, the Deputy Minister for Arts and Sport, Dawn Bowden has announced today.
Press release
The Deputy Minister and Chief Whip, Jane Hutt, today announced the launch of the Voluntary Services Recovery Fund (VSRF), which will replace the Voluntary Services Emergency Fund (VSEF) from Monday 17th August 2020.
Press release
A scheme helping vulnerable people to be treated at home and avoid unnecessary trips to emergency departments will be ‘a massive help’ in easing pressure on NHS Wales during the winter months, Health Minister Eluned Morgan has said
Press release
Care homes across Wales are benefiting from digital devices being delivered to them as part of a Welsh Government scheme to help residents keep in touch with friends and family, and to assist with video medical consultations
Press release
An overwhelming majority of people in Wales (84%) believe that the way we live our lives needs to substantially change to address the climate emergency, according to results from a government survey of 1,149 Welsh participants.
Press release
The Winter Fair is an important event to showcase the best of rural Wales and discuss the opportunities and challenges facing the agriculture sector especially in responding to the climate and nature emergencies, Rural Affairs Minister Lesley Griffiths has said.
The effect of the Order will be to temporarily prohibit all vehicles (other than those which are accompanying the AIL movement and being used by the emergency services) from entering the length of the A465 trunk road westbound carriageway layby.
Press release
COVID-19 continues to impact our daily lives and the emergence of the Omicron variant is once again a stark reminder that the pandemic is not yet over. I want people to know support is available for them 24/7.
The effect of the Order is to temporarily prohibit all vehicles, other than vehicles being used by the emergency services or for the works, from proceeding along the entire length of the westbound off slip road of the A465 trunk road.
Press release
Households across Wales can collect their tree, free of charge, from tomorrow as part of an ambitious Welsh Government giveaway to tackle the climate and nature emergencies - an initiative called My Tree Our Forest.
News story
This advice is informed by the outputs of the UK Scientific Advisory Group on Emergencies and the Welsh Technical Advisory Cell, WHO guidance and through discussions with Chief Medical Officers in the 4 Nations and Chief Economic Advisor in Wales.
Press release
Rural Affairs Minister Lesley Griffiths has outlined the next steps to introduce a new system of farm support which will reward farmers who take action to respond to the climate emergency and reverse the decline of biodiversity.
Guidance, Document
Changes to the regulations which gives eligibility to housing and housing assistance to certain people who were living in Israel, or the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, East Jerusalem, the Golan Heights or Lebanon and have come to the UK.
Press release
Welsh Government today announced financial support to assist Cardiff Airport in facing the early impacts of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, while calling on the UK Government to urgently change its policy towards providing further financial help for regional airports.
Press release
Housing and Local Government Minister Julie James has announced new funding of up to £20 million to help ensure that no-one in emergency shelter during the coronavirus crisis has to return to the streets or unsuitable accommodation.
Press release
The Minister for Social Justice, Jane Hutt, has today (Thursday, February 9) announced £300,000 of financial support to provide emergency aid and rapid relief to people affected by devastating earthquakes in southern Turkey and north-west Syria.
Press release
The Welsh Government is to invest record sums in flood and coastal risk management schemes across Wales for 2021/22, continuing to reduce the risk of flooding and coastal erosion to communities, as the impact of the ongoing climate emergency continues to be felt.
Press release
Ten years since its launch, Business Wales has supported more than 390,000 entrepreneurs and businesses, assisted the creation of over 19,000 new start-ups and directly helped to create nearly 47,000 jobs in the Welsh economy.
Press release
The Welsh Government will co-fund a third round of investment in greener and cleaner innovation through the Ford Low Carbon Vehicle Transformation Fund as part of its response to the climate emergency, Economy Minister, Vaughan Gething, announced today.
The Directions revoke the National Health Service (General Medical Services Recurring Premises Costs during the COVID 19 Pandemic) (Wales) Directions 2020 which provided financial assistance, if required, for GP recurring premises costs during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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