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Data on emergency calls and response times for April 2025.
Data on emergency calls and response times for May 2025.
Data on emergency calls and response times for March 2024.
Data on emergency calls and response times for January 2024.
Data on emergency calls and response times for February 2025.
Data on emergency calls and response times for March 2025.
Data on emergency calls and response times for November 2024.
Guidance to help agencies who plan for and respond to flooding emergencies.
Jane Hutt AM, Deputy Minister and Chief Whip
A report on research carried out to assist the update of technical advice note 8.
A formative evaluation was commissioned to assist with the development and testing of the health checks programme.
Data on emergency calls and response times for April 2017 to March 2018.
Data on emergency calls and response times for April 2018 to March 2019.
Guidance for staff working in maternity services to recognise and manage obstetric emergencies.
Guidance for pharmacists on the supply and use of auto-injectors for emergency treatment in schools.
Describes the scope and emerging priorities of the Equality, Race and Disability Evidence Units.
Data on emergency calls and response times for April 2016 to March 2017.
This will be the first Welsh Government Budget following the declaration of a climate emergency in Wales.
Guidance to assist local authorities and schools to plan their Welsh-medium education provision.
The Climate Change Committee (CCC) has today [Thursday, December 17] published a progress report for Wales, and advice on Wales’ emissions pathway to 2050 confirming for the first time Wales does have a credible, feasible and affordable path to reach net zero emissions by 2050.