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Explains the regulations for food businesses who buy direct from fishermen.
Comparison website provider and insurance broker ActiveQuote one of Britain’s fastest-growing FinTech firms is investing £2 million to develop a cutting-edge online advisory platform.
Find out if you are eligible and how to apply for a Discretionary Housing Payment on your local authority’s website.
Task and finish group report of a review into the pay and working conditions of additional learning needs coordinators.
Letting fees you will not need to pay as part of your tenancy agreement, and fees you may need to pay when letting a property.
Step by step guidance on how to complete your contract claim form.
The UK Government must set out plans to lift the public sector pay cap and reverse planned cuts in expenditure in this year’s Autumn Budget.
We have assessed how the Statutory sick pay enhancement scheme will impact on a number of areas.
Changes to firefighter pension factors, including the cost of buying increased benefits.
Following the conclusion of the 2024 bathing season, the application window for sites to be considered for designation within the 2025 Bathing Water Review has been extended to 6 November.
Local authorities must complete this form to let us know when a unit closes.
New legislation to exempt care leavers from paying council tax will come into force from 1 April 2019, Finance Minister Rebecca Evans announced today.
This dashboard presents data relating to teacher pay collected from the School Workforce Annual Census (SWAC).
The Minister for Education, Kirsty Williams, is encouraging parents and carers to contact their local authority to see if they are eligible for the Pupil Development Grant (PDG) – Access.
The Welsh Government website and its associated sites are maintained for your personal use and viewing.
Advice for community and town councils on how to borrow money to buy capital items.
Rebecca Evans, the Welsh Government’s Finance Minister, has said today’s Autumn Statement will mean people are paying more for less.
There is a simple online process to make a nomination.
How the Homebuy scheme aimed at helping people to buy their own home is performing.
Summary of the meeting held online, on December 2.