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Considering whether to merge the pay award for doctors on the top pay point of the 2008 Specialty Doctors Contract for April 2022.
This statement provides the framework for decision making on pay and in particular decision making on senior manager pay.
This statement provides the framework for decision making on pay and in particular decision making on senior manager pay.
Information in relation to the decision to freeze the top pay point of the 2008 Speciality Doctors.
An independent report by Professor Gerald Holtham commissioned by the Welsh Government.The report looks at options for new ways of paying for the rising demand for social care in Wales.
Evidence-based recommendations for reform and the development of a new pay and conditions framework for Wales.
How you should use the calculator to assess the income of applicants.
Data on the number of homes purchased and the value of the loans received under the scheme for April to June 2024.
Data on the number of homes purchased and the value of the loans received under the scheme for July to September 2024.
Statutory pay and conditions for teachers in maintained schools.
Statutory pay and conditions for teachers in maintained schools.
Statutory pay and conditions for teachers in maintained schools.
Statutory pay and conditions for teachers in maintained schools.
Strategic review of the structure of teachers’ and leaders’ pay and conditions in Wales.
Julie James, MS, Minister for Housing and Local Government
Alun Davies, Minister for Natural Resources and Food
£8m extra funding to support Further Education pay
How public authorities record information on pay and whether it is accessible.
Review Group calls for views on teachers’ pay and conditions
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