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We recently launched the new Wales Collaborative Procurement Hub on the Sell2Wales website.
Number of handled queries, including telephone and online contacts for April to June 2018.
Number of handled queries, including telephone and online contacts for January to March 2018.
Number of handled queries, including telephone and online contacts for October to December 2017.
Number of handled queries, including telephone and online contacts for July to September 2017.
Summary of the meeting held online due to Covid-19 restrictions.
Summary of the meeting held online due to Covid-19 restrictions.
Summary of the meeting held online due to Covid-19 restrictions.
Summary of the meeting held online due to Covid-19 restrictions.
Summary of the meeting held online due to Covid-19 restrictions.
Summary of the meeting held online due to Covid-19 restrictions.
Minutes of the meeting held online due to Covid-19 restrictions.
Summary of the meeting held online due to Covid-19 restrictions.
Summary of the meeting held online due to Covid-19 restrictions.
Information on the number of new dwellings started, where building has commenced and those completed.
How to switch to the new rules.
Minutes of the meeting of 13 June 2024 held at Venue Cymru, Llandudno and online.
Annual survey looking at museum audiences and visitors, staffing levels, and online engagement.
How to register for Multi Factor Authentication if you are an existing user of RPW Online.
A new online service, which will match employers with jobseekers looking for agricultural, land and veterinary work during the COVID-19 outbreak, has launched today.