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How we will use your personal information
Information on the number of hits to these domains.
Overview of tree felling regulation and changes to the Forestry Act.
The Rt Hon Carwyn Jones AM, First Minister of Wales
Ask for information about the disease history of an animal, and the herd it comes from, before you buy.
It’s a very special time when your new bundle of joy arrives.
An action plan to protect children and young people online.
Advice for community and town councils on how to borrow money to buy capital items.
From today, everyone in Wales with symptoms of coronavirus will be able to request a test as a new online booking service becomes available.
Newly qualified teachers commencing induction from 1 September will start using the new professional standards for teaching and leadership.
Information about childcare, play, online safety, and education.
Number of handled queries, including telephone and online contacts.
Minutes of the meeting of 22 February 2024 held online.
Minutes of the meeting of 15 February 2023 held online.
Summary of the meeting held online on 14 December 2021.
Summary of the meeting held online on 22 March 2022.
Usage of the Business Wales online and telephone enquiry service.
Summary of the meeting held online on 11 July 2022.
Alun Davies, Deputy Minister for Agriculture, Food, Fisheries and European Programmes
Summary of the meeting held online, on 1st June 2020.