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Press release
Finance Minister Rebecca Evans is urging people to check if they are entitled to help to pay their council tax bill as a flagship support scheme is extended.
Number of staff in the higher education sector for August 2022 to July 2023.
Press release
With 86 Welsh youngsters qualifying for the final, as a region Wales tops the leader board for the highest number of competitors.
Cabinet statement
Leighton Andrews, Minister for Children, Education and Lifelong Learning
Cabinet statement
Leighton Andrews, Minister for Children, Education and Lifelong Learning
Press release
There is a record number of full time equivalent qualified nurses and midwives, hospital consultants and ambulance staff employed in the NHS in Wales
Statistics, Document
Information on children on care orders and in placements, adoptions from care and numbers of children and young persons leaving care for April 2022 to March 2023.
Statistics, Document
Information on children on care orders and in placements, adoptions from care and numbers of children and young persons leaving care for April 2021 to March 2022.
FOI release
Information on children taken into care.
FOI release
Information on children in Wales with disabilities.
Cabinet statement
Huw Lewis, Minister for Education and Skills and Mark Drakeford, Minister for Health and Social Services
Press release
Communities and Children Secretary Carl Sargeant today joined children in Swansea to celebrate ten years of the Welsh Government’s Flying Start programme.
Press release
A new campaign to get children ready to start school has been launched by the Education Secretary Kirsty Williams (Mon 4th July).
Explains how we use personal data collected by the Children Receiving Care and Support Census and Looked After Children Census.
This guidance is for Initial Teacher Education (ITE) partnerships and is based on existing UK advice related to the Coronavirus pandemic. We are working closely with the other UK governments to ensure a consistent, public health-led approach to the Coronavirus situation.
Technical Advisory Cell
Review of the evidence on children and young people in education after the firebreak,
Press release
The Welsh Government is making more than £670,000 available to ensure children with special educational needs are able to access the Childcare Offer, Minister for Children has announced.
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