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Grant to support capacity building within the Welsh-medium and bilingual education workforce.
Cabinet statement
Jeremy Miles MS, Minister for Education and Welsh Language
Policy and strategy
This plan focuses on what can be done to support increasing recruitment onto Initial Teacher Education (ITE) programmes.
These reports encompass a range of evaluations that will contribute to an overarching evaluation of the Welsh-medium Education Strategy in 2015.
Statistics, Document
An annual statistical release presents figures about children receiving care and support from Welsh local authorities as at 31 March 2023.
These reports encompass a range of evaluations that will contribute to an overarching evaluation of the Welsh-medium Education Strategy in 2015.
Research, Document
This report presents the findings of an evaluation of the Welsh Language Sabbatical Scheme for education practitioners.
Guidance, Document
Action plan to prevent and respond to peer-on-peer sexual harassment in education settings.
Press release
A level, AS, GCSE, Skills Challenge Certificate and Welsh Baccalaureate grades in Wales will now be awarded on the basis of Centre Assessment Grades, Education Minister Kirsty Williams confirmed today (Monday 17 August).
This report examines the practice of testing the literacy and numeracy of candidates for entry to Initial Teacher Education (ITE) courses in Wales.
Public response
What we will do in response to the recommendations set out in the Children’s Commissioner for Wales Report into Education in Healthcare Settings.
Cabinet statement
Jeremy Miles MS, Minister for Education and Welsh Language
Policy and strategy
National Academy for Educational Leadership
How we will provide funding to the National Academy for Educational Leadership so it can meet its objectives.
The re-contact survey sought to understand how confidence in the education system might be measured, and to examine issues on parental support for children’s education for April 2013 to March 2014.
A poster to display in schools about milk production and why it is good for you.
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