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Cabinet statement
Kirsty Williams, Cabinet Secretary for Education
Impact assessment
Considers the impact on children’s rights of an easement of level 4 restrictions related to gatherings, to allow support bubbles for households with children under one.
Press release
The Welsh Government is today launching a consultation on new guidance for home education in Wales.
How we will remove private profit from the care of children looked after.
Press release
Wales needs more people to become foster carers, Minister for Children, Huw Irranca-Davies said today.
Guidance, Document
How schools and settings can improve support for learners from Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities.
This study assessed the education and training provided for people to study for a housing qualification in Wales.
Policy and strategy, Document
What we will do to support children and young people who are growing up, living and working in Wales.
The aim of the research was to explore public attitudes to restricting smoking in cars carrying children in the adult population to inform policy development in this area.
Impact assessment
A summary of how the substance misuse delivery plan 2019 to 2022 will affect a children's rights.
Impact assessment
An assessment of how the Environment (Air Quality and Soundscapes) (Wales) Bill affects children's rights.
Press release
The Welsh Government wants to double the number of businesses in Wales that are owned by their employees, and is committed to providing greater support for worker buyouts to ensure Wales-based companies remain in Welsh hands, Economy Minister Vaughan Gething said today to mark employee ownership day.
Press release
Education Secretary Kirsty Williams is in Finland on a fact-finding mission to learn more about the country’s highly regarded education system (Weds 18th Jan).
Cabinet statement
Kirsty Williams, Cabinet Secretary for Education
Publication, Document
Assessment of how the Workplace Recycling Regulations will affect children and young people.
Press release
A new waiting time target, an improved diagnostic pathway and a better integrated service for adults and children with autism was announced today.
Impact assessment
An assessment of how minimum alcohol pricing will affect children's rights
Press release
First Minister Mark Drakeford has today signed the new Corporate Parenting Charter, committing the Welsh Government to nine promises when working with care-experienced children and young people.
Policy and strategy, Document
Letter to health staff stating the need for urgent action to vaccinate children against measles.
Press release
New research has found 58% of the Welsh public believe it is already against the law to physically punish children in Wales.
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