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Category 1: Directorships


Effective Date

Name of Company

Nature of Company’s business

Additional Information

Eluned Parrott


Parrott Communications

Management consultancy (marketing, strategy, training)

Partnership with spouse/partner

David Clubb

October 2018

Afallen LLP

Sustainability consultancy focusing on keeping money and skills in Wales, and helping organisations implement Future Generations frameworks and ways of working

In order to manage perceived or real conflict of interest, I have not undertaken any work related to energy or infrastructure since mid-September 2021, and I will obtain no financial remuneration from Afallen for any work carried out by the company in these sectors as a whole, until the end of my term with the Commission.

Helen Armstrong


The Mindful Growth Company

Coaching, mentoring and training


Jenifer Baxter


Industry Wales

Funded by Welsh Government – Arm’s length, supporting industry across Wales


David Clubb

April 2021

Hiraeth Energy LLP

Development of two 300MW floating offshore wind energy projects in the Celtic Sea

In order to manage perceived or real conflict of interest, I have not undertaken any stakeholder engagement activity on behalf of Hiraeth Energy since mid-September 2021, and I will not undertake any stakeholder engagement activity for the duration of my membership of the Commission.

 All remunerated Directorships to be registered of the Commissioner or close family (spouse or partner or dependent child).  “Remuneration” includes salaries, fees and any taxable allowances or benefits (e.g. company car).

Unremunerated directorships are also included where remuneration is paid through another company in the same group.

Category 2: Remunerated Employment, Office, Profession etc


Effective Date

Name of Employer or Company

Nature of Employer’s business

Nature of Post

Additional Information

Spouse/partner of Eluned Parrott


Swansea University


Disability Assessment Centre Manager


Nick Tune



Engineering, Design and Project Management Consultancy

Technical leader for the Global business, I set policy, strategy and execution of technical delivery for Atkins on a global scale


David Clubb

October 2018

Cymorth Clubb Cyf

Environmental consultancy



Eluned Parrott


Welsh Liberal Democrats

Political party

Management consultancy – organisational restructuring and strategy consultation


Eluned Parrott


Transport for Wales / Keolis Amey

Train operating company

Interim External Affairs / Future Generations Advisor


Eluned Parrott

20/08/2018 – 31/12/2018

Community Transport Association

Third sector organisation

Interim Director for Wales


Eluned Parrot


Parrott Communications

Communications Consultancy





Associate with 34/7 Communications Consultancy

Consulting on wind power project with Coriolis Energy

Stakeholder engagement and policy advice to the lead consultant.

Jenifer Baxter


Protium Green Solutions

Net Zero energy company/ developer

Engineering Director and Head of Protium in Wales


Aleena Khan



Engineering, Design and Project Management Consultancy

Graduate Transport Planner


Steve Brooks


Villiers Park Educational Trust

National social mobility charity delivering programmes for students from disadvantaged backgrounds in England.

I provide external affairs and management advice and support.


Steve Brooks


Steve Brooks Consulting

Provision of a range of services including advice and support on policy, research, communications, strategy, leadership, organisational change and coaching / mentoring.

Founder / Sole Trader

In addition to freelance work I undertake on a retained basis for clients elsewhere within this declaration, I also undertake work with additional clients including Concern Worldwide; Drummau House Ltd, Fair Trade Wales Ltd, Hub Cymru Africa and Scottish Fair Trade Forum.

Steve Brooks


Avanti Transformation Ltd

Management Consultant Activities (other than financial management)


No remuneration has been received since June 2022 when I was appointed as a Commissioner.

Eurgain Powell


Public Health Wales

Public Health

Sustainable Development Programme Manager


Steve Brooks


Deryn Consulting Ltd.

Public affairs and strategic communications consultancy

Provision of public affairs and strategic communications advice to Deryn Consulting Ltd and to their clients. I work as a Senior Consultant on a freelance basis.

I work on the following accounts:
Wind 2 Ltd, RWE Generation UK, the Centre for Alternative Technology.

Marvel Limited.

Full list of Deryn Consulting’s other clients for the previous quarter (PCRA.ORG.UK)


All remunerated employment to be registered for Commissioner or close family including any sources of remuneration that do not fall clearly within any other category.

Category 3: Gifts, hospitality, etc


Effective Date (when received)

Description of gift

Person or organisation making the Gift

Additional Information






All gifts, hospitality, material benefits or advantage worth more than £100 to be registered (though members may record all gifts received if they so wish) which a Commissioner or close family member has received relating to or arising out of membership of the NICW.

Category 4: Remuneration or other material benefit


Effective Date (when received)

Description of remuneration or benefit

Company or other body involved

Additional Information

Eurgain Powell

September 2021

Currently advising WG as part of the Roads Review Panel, this will come to an end Summer 2022

Welsh Government’s Roads Review Panel


Any remuneration to be registered that a Commissioner or close family receives from any public or private company or body which has a contract with the [name of body] or which is tendering for any contract with the [name of body].

Category 5: Land and Property


Effective Date (when became owner)

Nature of the Property

General Location

Additional Information

David Clubb


Woodland: Allt Hengeraint



 Any land to be registered in which a Commissioner or close family member has a direct interest and is clearly related to the activities of the [name of body] (excluding residential property).

Category 6: Shareholdings


Effective Date (when acquired)

Name of Company or Body

Nature of Company or Body’s Business

Is Share Value > 1% of issued share capital

Is Share Value
< 1% of issued share capital but

> 50% of gross annual salary

Additional Information

Steve Brooks


Steve Brooks Consulting (Sole Trader)

Provision of a range of services including advice and support on policy, research, communications, strategy, leadership, organisational change and coaching / mentoring.



I undertake my freelance work as a sole trader.

Any companies or other bodies to be registered in which a Commissioner or close family member has any beneficial interest in shares which either: Have a market value greater than 1 per cent of the issued share capital; or Have a value exceeding 50 per cent of you basic gross annual salary.

Category 7: Membership/ Chairmanship of bodies in receipt of Welsh Government funds


Effective Date

Name of Organisation

Member or Chair of Organisation?

Additional Information

Nick Tune


Down to Earth Construction


I am on the board of Down to Earth Construction a community interest company that trains vulnerable groups on building using sustainable materials

Eluned Parrott


National Botanic Garden of Wales



David Clubb

May 2018

Welsh Government Diversity in STEM Board



Steve Brooks

28/06/2022 updated 23/02/23

Wales Council for Voluntary Action


I am a charity trustee and company director for the WCVA which is in receipt of Welsh Government funds via grants and contracts. I am a member of the WCVA’s Audit and Risk Committee.  My term as a charity trustee and company director for the WCVA which is in receipt of Welsh Government funds via grants and contracts, ended on 17 November 2023. I no longer have any declarable interest in the WCVA.

Steve Brooks


Living Streets (The Pedestrian Association)


I am a charity trustee and company director for Living Streets which is in receipt of Welsh Government funds via grants and contracts

Steve Brooks


Updated 23/02/23

Trivallis Housing Association


I am a non-executive director for Trivallis Housing Association which is in receipt of Welsh Government funds via grants. I am chair of the Trivallis’ People Committee. From 2023 the role is remunerated.

Steve Brooks


The Bevan Foundation and the Institute of Welsh Affairs


I am an ordinary member of both the Bevan Foundation and the Institute of Welsh Affairs; though I am not a member of either organisation’s boards.

Steve Brooks


Trivallis’ Housing Association


I am a member of Trivallis’ Assets & Development Commission

Memberships or Chairmanships (whether paid or unpaid) of any body funded wholly or in part by Welsh Government (excepting for the NICW) to be registered – for Commissioners or close family.

Record of Membership of Societies


Effective Date

Name of Club or Society

Nature of role / Additional Information

Eluned Parrott


Chartered Institute of Marketing

Fellow of the Institute

Jenifer Baxter


Institution of Mechanical Engineers



Jenifer Baxter


Institution of Materials Minerals and Mining


Steve Brooks


Royal Society for Arts, Manufacturers and Commerce


Steve Brooks


20th Century Society

Ordinary Member

Steve Brooks


British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy

Student Member

Also membership or positions of general control or management of any private club or society which has entry requirements for membership to be recorded for Commissioners.  An “entry requirement” does not include the requirement to pay a subscription or the agreement to any term and condition of membership other than a term or condition relating to selection for membership.