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Responsibilities of the Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Constitution and Cabinet Office.


  • The Welsh Treasury
  • The Welsh Revenue Authority
  • Provision of strategic direction and management of the resources of the Welsh Government
  • Taxation policy including Council Tax Reform, non-domestic rates, council tax reduction and the Sponsorship of the Valuation Office Agency services and the Valuation Tribunal for Wales
  • Visitor Levy
  • Budget monitoring and management
  • Strategic Investment
  • Invest to Save
  • Financial Accounting and audit
  • In-year budget monitoring and management
  • Value for money and effectiveness
  • Operation and development of the devolved funding settlement and the Statement of Funding policy
  • Relationship with HM Treasury and HM Revenue and Customs on all spending and tax matters
  • Public Sector pay policy
  • The strategic approach to the acquisition, maintenance and disposal of property and other assets
  • Commercial and procurement matters for the Welsh public service
  • Grants policy
  • Official Statistics, including the Census, social research and the national survey for Wales
  • Constitutional Affairs
  • UK Legislation
  • Co-ordination of justice policy issues
  • Co-ordination of work on the Common Frameworks
  • Implementation of Senedd Reform
  • Oversight of audit, inspection and regulation as they relate to public services, including the organisation arrangements for Healthcare Inspectorate Wales and the Care Inspectorate Wales
  • ‘Welsh Minister’ functions relating to the Counsel General portfolio in respect of justice and Senedd reform

*The Cabinet Secretary is responsible for setting the budget and the strategic management of the Welsh Government’s resources – however, every minister is responsible for the management of their own MEG, and questions relating to individual funding decisions should be directed to the relevant minister.

* The Cabinet Office will support the First Minister and Cabinet to deliver its strategic priorities.


Rebecca Evans was first elected to the National Assembly for Wales in May 2011 to represent the Mid and West Wales region. In 2016 she became Assembly Member for Gower.

Rebecca received a degree in History from the University of Leeds, and a Master of Philosophy degree in Historical Studies from Sidney Sussex College, University of Cambridge. Before being elected, Rebecca worked in the third sector.

In June 2014, Rebecca was appointed Deputy Minister for Farming and Food, and in May 2016 she became Minister for Social Services and Public Health. In November 2017, she was appointed Minister for Housing and Regeneration, and in December 2018 she joined the Cabinet as Minister for Finance and Trefnydd. On 13 May 2021 Rebecca was appointed Minister for Finance and Local Government. On 21 March 2024, Rebecca was appointed Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Constitution & Cabinet Office.

Writing to Rebecca Evans