The Act consolidates current procurement rules to create a single public procurement regime. This will simplify the system, open up public procurement to new entrants and embed transparency.
Legislation and documents
Procurement Act 2023 on
The Procurement (Wales) Regulations 2024 on
Procurement (Wales) Regulations 2024: Explanatory Memorandum and Regulatory Impact Assessment on
The Procurement (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Wales) Regulations 2025 on
Learning and development
Welsh Government
Supplementary training modules on the changes to procurement legislation in Wales (for Welsh contracting authorities) is available on the Learning@Wales training platform (under the ‘Welsh Government’ drop-down options).
Overview video of New Procurement Legislation: Learning & Development for Wales on YouTube
UK government
The full suite of UK government’s official L&D training for the Procurement Act 2023 is available below:
Transforming Public Procurement eLearning official update on GOV.UK
The Official Transforming Public Procurement Knowledge Drops on GOV.UK
Transforming Public Procurement: the official learning and development offer on GOV.UK
Information for suppliers
Information and guidance for suppliers on GOV.UK
Wales Procurement Specific Questionnaire (WPSQ)
The Procurement Act 2023 and Associated Regulations: A short guide for suppliers
Changing procurement landscape webinar for suppliers (Sept 2023) on YouTube
Procurement Act 2023: Short Guides on GOV.UK
The Procurement Act 2023: A short guide for suppliers on GOV.UK
Benefits for Prospective Suppliers to the Public Sector on GOV.UK
UKG Knowledge Drops for Suppliers part 1 (short video) on YouTube
UKG Knowledge Drop for Suppliers part 2 (short video) on YouTube
UKG Knowledge Drop for Suppliers part 3 (short video) on YouTube
UKG Knowledge Drop for SME/VCSEs part 1 (short video) on YouTube
UKG Knowledge Drop for SME/VCSEs part 2 (short video) on YouTube
UKG Knowledge Drop for SME/VCSEs part 3 (short video) on YouTube
Welsh Digital Platform (Sell2Wales) – Interim Workarounds Guidance
Contracting authority onboarding
Wales procurement policy statement
Preparing for new procurement legislation in Wales on Sell2Wales
Benefits of procurement reform for Welsh contracting authorities
Central Digital Platform Factsheet on GOV.UK
Procurement Act 2023: Pre-implementation Checklist on Sell2Wales
Procurement Reform on CYD.CYMRU
The Procurement Journey on CYD.CYMRU
UK government sessions
Please note: These sessions are being run by the UK government and so there could be some things discussed that are not relevant to Wales.
Webinars and videos
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