How we are progressing with our plan to end period poverty and achieve period dignity in Wales.
The Period Proud Wales Action Plan was launched on 15 February 2023 via a written statement.
Access to products
Action 1: the Welsh Government’s Programme for Government commits to the expansion of free period provision in communities and the private sector
During 2024 to 2025 we gave £3.2million to local authorities to make free period products available to:
- schools
- Further education colleges
- community organisations
We have also shared our plan with stakeholders in the private sector and trade unions.
We are working to share information more widely through webinars, newsletters and networks.
Action 2: undertake an evaluation of the period dignity grant for the period 2018 to 2022 and use the findings of the evaluation to inform a strategic, longer-term approach to the provision of period products across Wales
The evaluation report was published in October 2023. We have reviewed the report and are looking how to implement the recommendations made.
Administration costs are now part of the grant to support the work carried out by each local authority. Changes have been made to the grant claim monitoring form, improving the quality and consistency of data collected.
Guidance and reducing stigma
Action 3: the Welsh Government’s Programme for Government commits to embedding period dignity in schools
For 2024 to 2025, local authorities retained the ability to spend up to 20% of the grant. This is for training and education for learners, teachers, and community members.
A Period Proud Wales Plan featured in the November edition of the Welsh Government Youth Work Bulletin. The bulletin reaches all youth workers and leads across Wales, promoting the products available to young people.
In November 2024, we awarded a contract to produce a range of health and well-being curriculum related resources. These resources, available in Spring 2025, will support learning on menstrual well-being.
Action 4: work with our trade unions, public services, private and third sectors to create guidance and promote policies on period dignity and the menopause and to ensure educational and practical period dignity resources are available
Business Wales has promoted the new Menopause Standard, published by the British Standards Institution (BSI). Business Wales promote educational and practical period dignity resources via their online channels.
Free Menopause awareness training sessions from Academi were held between July and September 2024.
Action 5: the Welsh Government, through collaboration between the equalities and staff menopause working group will review, and republish our menopause policy and working to include broader content on period dignity
In February 2024, we published HR guidance and procedures on periods and Menopause for Welsh Government staff.
A new menopause awareness programme called ‘Menopositive’ is now available to all staff. The programme includes training on:
- having confident conversations with colleagues about menopause
- signposting colleagues to evidence based, credible, and factual information
- exploring solutions and ideas for reasonable adjustments
- how to accurately record and report menopause related sickness
The environment and international development
Action 6: increase provision of plastic free products, products with reduced plastic content, reduced plastic packaging, packaging in general or reusable products year on year
For 2024 to 2025, we have increased the minimum requirement for the Period Dignity Grant spend on environmentally friendly period products to 75%.
Between April and September 2024, 92% of products purchased were environmentally friendly.
We will increase the percentage spend on eco-friendly period products each year for the next 3 years. We aim to achieve a target of 90% of all period products purchased through the Period Dignity Grant being environmentally friendly by 2027.
Action 7: extend the Wales and Africa Small Grants Scheme to actively encourage period dignity project proposals in Sub-Saharan Africa
Grant funding is available to Welsh organisations from the Wales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA) and Hub Cymru Africa to support projects.
In 2024, an additional £90,000 was set aside for this award focussing on contributing to gender equality including period dignity.
Care for Uganda, and Teams4U were awarded funding for their projects. This will provide training support on menstrual health, distribute reusable products and create period-friendly schools.
In 2023, Chomuzangari Women’s Cooperative Project in Zimbabwe were awarded funding. This was for a project to provide products and training to improve the health and well-being of women and girls. This also provided employment opportunities and reduced the environmental impact of disposable pads.
Engagement, Equality and Inclusion
Action 8: ensure that products can be accessed, and that guidance is created with equality and inclusion as a central pillar
Regular monitoring meetings and improvements to the grant monitoring form are being used. This is to capture data and support discussions with every local authority. This ensures they are reaching priority groups in their areas.
Action 9: strengthen links between local authority period dignity leads, statutory unpaid carers services and third sector carers organisations to improve access to information and advice, appropriate support services and where period products can be accessed
We are working to raise awareness among carers organisations and networks of the Period Dignity Grant. We are advising how products can be accessed to designated leads in each local authority.
In August 2024, Powys County Council used the Period Dignity Grant to provide free period products to young carers at the Young Carers Festival which was held in Builth Wells.
Action 10: in partnership with Sport Wales, assess the impact of periods on women, girls and people who menstruate’s participation in sport and exercise and consider options through which to improve and maintain participation levels for those who menstruate
We are working alongside Sport Wales to understand the impact of periods on sports participation. We are developing a set of actions to address identified challenges.
Several roundtable workshops have been held during 2024 to also gather insights from a range of sports via their National Governing Bodies and clubs.
Health and Care Research Wales (HCRW) undertook a rapid evidence review to examine existing evidence in relation to the impact of periods on participation in sport.
Using the research findings, we know more about how we can work better at improving and maintaining participation levels for those who menstruate.