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Cymraeg 2050 is our national strategy for increasing the number of Welsh speakers to a million by 2050. 

The Welsh Government is fully committed to the new strategy, with the target of a million speakers included in its Programme for Government. A thriving Welsh language is also included in one of the 7 well-being goals in the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015.

We also have a statutory obligation to fully consider the effects of our work on the Welsh Language. This means that any Welsh Government policy should consider how our policies affect the language and those who speak it.  

The Cymraeg 2050 strategy has three interrelated themes:

1.    Does the proposal demonstrate a clear link with the Welsh Government’s strategy for the Welsh language?

Cymraeg 2050 A million Welsh speakers and the related Work Programme for 2021-2026? Cymraeg 2050 work programme 2021 to 2026

The proposal to extend the OPCW’s term of office to seven years could be linked to the theme of ‘increasing the use of Welsh’ as a seven year term will provide future commissioners with more scope and time to focus on this issue, particularly in relation to the offer of the Welsh language to older people accessing statutory services. 

2.    Describe and explain the impact of the proposal on the Welsh language, and explain how you will address these impacts in order to improve outcomes for the Welsh language. How will the proposal affect Welsh speakers of all ages (both positive and/or adverse effects)? You should note your responses to the following in your answer to this question, along with any other relevant information: 

It is likely that the proposal will have a positive impact on the Welsh language as the OPCW’s statutory role includes the following:

  • promote awareness of the rights and interests of older people in Wales
  • challenge discrimination against older people in Wales
  • encourage best practice in the treatment of older people in Wales
  • review the law affecting the interests of older people in Wales

It is expected that any future OPCW will promote the rights in Wales relating to the Welsh language and a seven year term of office will allow future commissioners to focus more on supporting the Welsh language, in line with the statutory duties to do so. 

The public consultation has included questions relating to the Welsh language and officials will note and address any negative comments arising. The advertisement for the next OPCW will note that Welsh language skills are needed from day one to fulfil the role satisfactorily, and someone with those skills is sought, but short term arrangements can be made until the language ability of the appointee improves to the level needed for the appointment. Welsh Government has a Welsh Language Skills Level Guide of 1 to 5 for each skill. The post holder will be expected to achieve level 3 for Understanding, 1 for Reading, 3 for Speaking and 1 for Writing. More information is available from the Public Appointments Unit.