A review into Not for Profit Advice Services was commissioned in light of the unprecedented pressures they are facing given reduction in their funding
This is the latest release
The scope of the review was limited to primary advice provision by the third and public sectors, taking into account private sector provision and organisations which offer advice as a secondary part of their aims, in order to consider the fuller picture of advice provision in Wales.
The review was comprised of four stages:
- Stage 1: Literature review a desk-based review of published literature on advices services
- Stage 2: Mapping exercise covering local authority and NFP advice providers
- Stage 3: Stakeholder consultation of verbal and written contributions from over 160 sources
- Stage 4: Final report which considers and presents the information gathered during the review, concluding with recommendations.

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Advice services review: stage 2 mapping advice services in Wales , file type: PDF, file size: 4 MB
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Advice services review: summary , file type: PDF, file size: 155 KB
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