Lesley Griffiths, Minister for Health and Social Services
Today I am launching a 12 week consultation on the draft mental health and wellbeing strategy, Together for Mental Health. The strategy will build upon recent achievements and drive forward the commitments and aims in our Programme for Government, Together for Health and Sustainable Social Services for Wales: A Framework for Action.
Together for Mental Health articulates our vision for delivering a world class mental health service in Wales which will achieve better outcomes for people of all ages. This vision will be delivered in partnership with Local Health Boards, Local Authorities, the voluntary sector, service users, their carers and families.
Developed as a cross-government strategy, Together for Mental Health describes a holistic approach to effectively and efficiently tackle the causes and effects of mental ill health. For the first time in Wales we have an age-inclusive strategy which focuses on both improving the mental wellbeing and resilience of the wider population, and developing outcomes for mental health services users, carers and their families. This is underpinned by cross-sector working to support a recovery and reablement approach, which will help people live independently and achieve their full potential.
The strategy embeds the Mental Health Wales Measure at it’s heart, promotes evidence-based interventions delivered as early as possible, and stresses the importance of sustainable services focused on safety and dignity.