Leighton Andrews, Minister for Education and Skills
On 9 February 2012 I announced the appointment of an expert Review Panel, under the chairmanship of Professor Sir Adrian Webb, tasked with providing an informed, clear and unbiased opinion on what form of higher education provision will best service the economic, social and learner needs of north east Wales. Key objectives for the review are:
- to establish what a comprehensive higher education offering in north east Wales should look like;
- to determine the extent to which the existing pattern of higher education provision reflects this offering; and
- to recommend new or improved models for delivery that take into account the demographic, social and economic profile of north east Wales and the need for there to be greater coherence in the delivery of further and higher education.
The Review Panel has met regularly since April last year and has undertaken very extensive engagement with key stakeholders in the region.
In January, Sir Adrian Webb was obliged temporarily to suspend the work of the Review Panel following a close family bereavement and the critical illness of another close relative. To reflect the pause in activity, I have extended the date for submission of the Review Panel’s final report to the end of June this year. I look forward to receiving the report.