Alan Davies AM, Minister for Natural Resources and Food
I would like to inform Assembly Members that, following a review of TB compensation arrangements, I have decided to undertake a consultation on the introduction of a table valuation system in Wales that would be based on average market prices for pre-determined cattle categories.
The consultation is in keeping with our “Strategic Framework for Bovine TB Eradication in Wales” which was launched last year and includes an action to “Refresh the compensation regime to promote best practice and optimise herd management to minimise the risks of disease spread.”
As our Strategic Framework made clear, the TB Eradication Programme must be financially sustainable in the long term. Striking a fair balance between the costs attributable to taxpayers and the industry will continue to be a priority.
A consultation document setting out our proposals for the introduction of a table valuation system for TB compensation will be issued in due course. I am keen to hear the views of stakeholders on these proposals and will consider these very carefully before implementing any changes to the existing system.