Meeting, Document
Workforce Partnership Council Joint Executive Committee meeting: 11 December 2024
Minutes of the Workforce Partnership Council meeting held on 11 December 2024.
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In this page
1. Introduction: Chair (Verbal)
For information/discussion
2. Anti-racist Wales Action Plan: 2024 Update: Gemma Waite (Presentation)
3. Equalities Action Plans - Update: Bethan Thomas (Paper)
4. Artificial Intelligence Working Group - Update: Ruth Brady (Verbal)
5. Short-term Communications Plan – Working Group Update: Chair (Paper)
6. Workforce Partnership Council – Future Direction: Sharon West (Paper)
7. AOB: Chair (Verbal)
Agenda item 1: Introduction
- No decisions recorded.
- No actions recorded.
Agenda item 2: Anti-racist Wales Action Plan - 2024 update
- That a meeting should be convened comprising of a sample of JEC members with Gemma Waite to discuss the Anti-racist Wales Action Plan (ArWAP). This will have a focus on the leadership section of the ArWAP and develop a proposal for the WPC to consider at its next meeting on the 14 May.
- The WPC Support Team to share Gemma Waite’s presentation on the Anti-racist Wales Action Plan (ArWAP) with the JEC.
- The WPC Support Team to arrange for a small number of JEC members to meet with Gemma Waite to discuss the Anti-racist Wales Action Plan (ArWAP) with a specific focus on its leadership chapter; these discussions to inform a proposal for the next WPC to consider.
- The WPC Support Team to ensure the technical chapters of the ArWAP are shared with the JEC once they become available.
Agenda item 3: Equalities Action plans – update
- The proposals in the paper for this item - Equalities Action Plans – Update were agreed by the JEC.
- The WPC Support Team to arrange a roundtable discussion to discuss how best to support the prevention of sexual harassment in the workplace.
- (Following the roundtable discussion) the WPC Support Team to establish a task and finish group to facilitate this work.
Agenda item 4: Artificial Intelligence Working Group – update
- No decisions recorded.
- Helen Arthur and Samantha Morgan to discuss identifying a health board that could participate in piloting the AI guidance.
Agenda item 5: Short-term Communications Plan – Working Group update
- The proposals in the paper for this item - Short-term Communications Plan – Working Group Update – were agreed by the JEC.
- The WPC Support Team to provide links to available on-line social partnership learning and the WPC newsletter to the JEC for dissemination through their networks.
Agenda item 6: Workforce Partnership Council – Future direction
- A revised paper to be provided for the next JEC to develop proposals for the round table event on the future direction of the WPC.
- The WPC Support Team to provide a revised paper (for the 19 February JEC) with proposals for the scope and arrangements for the roundtable event to discuss the future direction of the WPC; a small group from the JEC will be convened to support this.
- Trade unions to provide the write-up of their views on the future direction of the Council to the WPC Support Team so they could be included in the annex of the revised paper.
Agenda item 7: AOB
- No decisions recorded.
- The WPC Support Team to provide details on bilingual recruitment from the Cymru 2050 programme to the JEC, for promotion through their networks.