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1. Introduction: Chair (Verbal)

For information/discussion

2. Anti-racist Wales Action Plan: 2024 Update: Gemma Waite (Presentation)
3. Equalities Action Plans - Update: Bethan Thomas (Paper)
4. Artificial Intelligence Working Group - Update: Ruth Brady (Verbal)
5. Short-term Communications Plan – Working Group Update: Chair (Paper)
6. Workforce Partnership Council – Future Direction: Sharon West (Paper)
7. AOB: Chair (Verbal)

Agenda item 1: Introduction


  1. No decisions recorded. 


  1. No actions recorded.

Agenda item 2: Anti-racist Wales Action Plan - 2024 update


  1. That a meeting should be convened comprising of a sample of JEC members with Gemma Waite to discuss the Anti-racist Wales Action Plan (ArWAP). This will have a focus on the leadership section of the ArWAP and develop a proposal for the WPC to consider at its next meeting on the 14 May. 


  1. The WPC Support Team to share Gemma Waite’s presentation on the Anti-racist Wales Action Plan (ArWAP) with the JEC.
  2. The WPC Support Team to arrange for a small number of JEC members to meet with Gemma Waite to discuss the Anti-racist Wales Action Plan (ArWAP) with a specific focus on its leadership chapter; these discussions to inform a proposal for the next WPC to consider.
  3. The WPC Support Team to ensure the technical chapters of the ArWAP are shared with the JEC once they become available.

Agenda item 3: Equalities Action plans – update


  1. The proposals in the paper for this item - Equalities Action Plans – Update were agreed by the JEC. 


  1. The WPC Support Team to arrange a roundtable discussion to discuss how best to support the prevention of sexual harassment in the workplace.
  2. (Following the roundtable discussion) the WPC Support Team to establish a task and finish group to facilitate this work.

Agenda item 4: Artificial Intelligence Working Group – update


  1. No decisions recorded. 


  1. Helen Arthur and Samantha Morgan to discuss identifying a health board that could participate in piloting the AI guidance.

Agenda item 5: Short-term Communications Plan – Working Group update


  1. The proposals in the paper for this item - Short-term Communications Plan – Working Group Update – were agreed by the JEC. 


  1. The WPC Support Team to provide links to available on-line social partnership learning and the WPC newsletter to the JEC for dissemination through their networks.

Agenda item 6: Workforce Partnership Council – Future direction


  1. A revised paper to be provided for the next JEC to develop proposals for the round table event on the future direction of the WPC. 


  1. The WPC Support Team to provide a revised paper (for the 19 February JEC) with proposals for the scope and arrangements for the roundtable event to discuss the future direction of the WPC; a small group from the JEC will be convened to support this.
  2. Trade unions to provide the write-up of their views on the future direction of the Council to the WPC Support Team so they could be included in the annex of the revised paper.

Agenda item 7: AOB


  1. No decisions recorded. 


  1. The WPC Support Team to provide details on bilingual recruitment from the Cymru 2050 programme to the JEC, for promotion through their networks.