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Lynne Neagle, Cabinet Secretary for Education

First published:
6 December 2024
Last updated:

I am pleased to make available an additional £50m in 2024-25 to support education standards and infrastructure across Wales.

I recognise the financial pressures within the education sector, and I am thankful for the great efforts of the workforce as they continue to operate in such challenging circumstances. Since taking up my position as Cabinet Secretary for Education earlier this year, I have listened to our education partners across Wales and understand the challenges they are facing.

Additional in-year funding will provide much needed support to schools, colleges and other settings to help meet the needs of learners across Wales.

£20m will be provided to schools and settings through the School Standards Grant, boosting this package of support to £180m in 2024-25.

A further £10m will be used to support ALN provision across Wales to meet the needs of children and young people with ALN.

£20m will be provided for school and college repairs and maintenance through the Sustainable Communities for Learning programme, which is in addition to £30m already provided this year.

Our Draft Budget, which will be published next week, will focus on our priorities and on ensuring public services continue to deliver for Wales.