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Frances Duffy, Chair
Saz Willey, Vice Chair
Bev Smith, Member
Dianne Bevan, Member 
Kate Watkins, Member
Leighton Jones, Secretariat
Apologies, Sara Rees, Secretariat

External stakeholders attending the meeting

Democracy and Boundary Commission Cymru
Shereen Williams (observer)
Roger Ashton Winter
Cher Cooke (observer)
Rhydian Fitter (agenda item for Communication Plan)
Councillor Di Clements, Chair of Pembrokeshire National Park Authority (one agenda item)
Councillor Dylan Rees, Chair of North Wales Fire and Rescue Authority (one agenda item)


The Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales (the Panel) met on Tuesday 23 July. 

The aim of the meeting was to:

  • review and agree the minutes and summary of the June meeting, note the secretariat and budget updates and review and update the operational plan for 2024 to 2025
  • consider the latest responses to the draft supplementary report on the remuneration of co-opted (lay) members of corporate joint committees (CJCs) and agree the contents of the final supplementary report
  • consider evidence from representatives at the national parks authority and fire and rescue authority relating to member remuneration and workload
  • consider and agree the timetable and proposed engagement meetings for the draft annual report 2025
  • review the updated communication plan
  • review and update risk register

Below summarises the Panel’s discussions and decisions.

Actions, secretariat and budget updates

The Panel agreed the minutes and summary from the June meeting and noted the budget update.

The Panel reviewed and discussed correspondence received from 2 Community and Town Councils, a Principal Council and its response to each one.

Remuneration of co-opted (lay) members of corporate joint committees 

The Panel considered the latest responses received following the publication of the draft supplementary report which related to the remuneration of co-opted (lay) members of corporate joint committees (CJC’s).

The Panel agreed to finalise the supplementary report once the consultation period has closed. The final supplementary report will be published in early August.

National park authority

The Panel welcomed Councillor Di Clements to discuss the remuneration and workload of National Park Authority Members. This discussion will form part of the evidence gathering when the Panel considers the remuneration and time commitment of national park authority members.

Fire and rescue authority 

The Panel welcomed Councillor Dylan Rees to discuss the remuneration and workload of fire and rescue authority members. This discussion will form part of the evidence gathering when the Panel considers the remuneration and time commitment of fire and rescue authority members.

Draft annual report and research

The Panel considered and agreed the timetable for the publication of the draft annual report 2025. The draft annual report will be published in early October.

The Panel agreed to the planned engagement events that will be undertaken as part of the consultation.

Communications plan

The Panel considered the updated communications plan that was presented by Rhydian Fitter, of the Democracy and Boundary Commission Cymru.

Risk register

The Panel reviewed and agreed to some revisions to the risk register. 

Any other business

The Panel were provided with an update on the Elections and Elected Bodies (Wales) Bill. Stage 4 proceedings took place on 9 July 2024 and is now at Post Stage 4.

The Panel also considered the consultation on the proposed changes to extend job sharing arrangements for elected members in principal councils to include non-executive roles. The Panel will provide a response to this consultation in September.

Next meeting

The next meeting of the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales will take place on 3 September 2024. 

Should you have any matters you wish to raise with the Panel, please do not hesitate to get in touch via the Secretariat by emailing