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The links provide details such as coverage, and strength and limitations of the data, and also the processes used to produce and publish the datasets behind the statistics quoted in the progress report, and the supplementary ethnicity report.

Whilst most of the narrative in the Wellbeing of Wales report is drawn from national indicators, some of the contextual data is from other official statistics or other statistics and factual statements related to specific policies or programmes, where we have considered it relevant to the overall narrative. 

Data from sources other than Official Statistics are used in the Wellbeing of Wales report for context, but we cannot always provide thorough assurance about data quality. As the data in the progress report have been sourced from a variety of datasets, the level of quality information available will differ in each case. Where the original data sources have detailed quality reports, we have provided links to those reports. Where quality reports do not exist for a source, additional information, where available, has been included in this document.

The Quality report for the National Indicators contains information about the quality of the data used for the indicators. Therefore, those data sources are not covered in this document.

Useful links

Academic achievement of pupils aged 4 to 14 in core subjects

These data are published as Accredited Official Statistics. Please see the quality information section of the release for quality and methodology information.

Air Quality Management Areas

Section 82 of the Environment Act 1995 (UK legislation) requires every local authority to review the present and likely future air quality within its area. Section 83 requires local authorities to designate an air quality management area (AQMA) when a national air quality objective is not being achieved, or is not likely to be achieved. Section 84 then requires a local authority to develop an action plan for the AQMA.

The linked table summarises the local authorities across Wales that have declared active AQMAs.

Chemical hazards and poisons report (UK Health Security Agency)

Annual reports (Commissioner for Public Appointments)

The Commissioner has a statutory duty to publish the inflow of public appointees and their declared diversity data. This flow data complements the ‘stock’ data which the Cabinet Office Public Appointments Policy Team publish on the appointees in post on 31 March each year. Stock data for the 2019-20 year was not available at the time of writing the 2019/20 annual report.

Further details on the process of collecting and publishing diversity data of applicants, interviewees, and appointees for public appointments can be found in the diversity in public appointments section of the report.

Public appointment statistics for Welsh Government can be found in tables 62 to 73 of the report.

Annual survey of hours and earnings

These data are taken from the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE), which is run by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) and are published as Accredited Official Statistics.

Please see the ASHE, Low pay and Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings pension results QMI (ONS) for more information.

Breastfeeding data

Please see the quality report of the release for more information.

Breeding bird survey (British Trust for Ornithology (BTO))

The breeding bird survey is a citizen science monitoring scheme that has been running since 1994. Please see the methodology and survey design page (BTO) for more information. 

Births in England and Wales (ONS)

These data are published as Accredited Official Statistics. Please see the measuring the data and strengths and limitations sections of the release for quality and methodology information.

Census of population (Welsh Government and ONS)

The census is held every 10 years. The most recent census was held on 21 March 2021. Please see the Census 2021 quality and methodology information report (ONS) for further information.

There are also specific quality considerations for Census 2021 information collected on ethnic group, disabled people and sexual orientation and gender identity (ONS)

Children’s omnibus survey 2023 (Arts Council of Wales)

Please see the methodology section of the Children’s omnibus survey 2023: General attendance and participation report for more information. This data is published as Official Statistics.

Consumer Price Inflation (ONS)

These data are published as Accredited Official Statistics. Please see the measuring the data and strengths and limitations sections of the release for quality and methodology information. 

Crime in England and Wales: Police Force Area data tables (ONS)

These data tables are published alongside the bulletin Crime in England and Wales, year ending March 2024. Police recorded crime data are not designated as Accredited Official Statistics.

Crime Survey for England and Wales (ONS)

Crime Survey for England and Wales estimates have been temporarily suspended of their Accredited Official Statistics status because of the potential impact of lower response rates on data quality after the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Quality and methodology information for Crime Survey for England and Wales data can be found in the Crime Survey for England and Wales section of the User guide to crime statistics for England and Wales: March 2024 (ONS).

Annual Trend and Demographic Tables (ONS)

For explanatory notes on these statistics, see the User guide to crime statistics for England and Wales: Measuring crime during the COVID-19 pandemic (ONS).

Perceptions other data tables (ONS)

The download ZIP for the perceptions other tables contains a CSEW open table instructions document with more information on definitions. 

Personal crime incidence (ONS)

The download ZIP for the personal crime incidence tables contains a CSEW open table instructions document with more information on definitions.

Police recorded crime and outcomes open data tables (Home Office (HO))

Official statistics on police recorded crime and outcomes, including a user guide.

Hate Crime statistics (HO)

These data are designated as Official Statistics. Please see the quality information section of release for quality and methodology information.

Examination results

Due to the disruption to schools as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Minister for Education confirmed that the Welsh Government would not calculate or publish performance measures in 2021/22 for both Year 11 and sixth form cohorts. This continued the arrangements from 2019/20 and 2020/21.

The 2022 examination period was a transitionary year, where relevant qualifications sat by Welsh pupils returned to written examination. This was not a complete return to pre-pandemic examinations. To compensate for any disruption to the school timetable, pupils who sat exams in 2022 were given a wider choice of questions from the syllabus, with Qualifications Wales setting results broadly midway between 2019 (the last time examinations were sat) and 2021 outcomes. The 2022/23 school year, which saw a further transition back to pre-pandemic assessment arrangements (whilst keeping some support in place for learners). This support was in the form of advance information and a supportive approach to grading. In 2022/23 Qualifications Wales set the results at a national level broadly midway between 2018/19 and 2021/22 outcomes.

Pupils that were awarded a qualification during the 2020 and 2021 summer periods were awarded grades based on a centre determined or centre assessed grade model. Grades were determined by schools and colleges, based on their assessment of learners’ work, using a range of evidence (including non-examination assessments, mock exams, and classwork).

These data are published as Accredited Official Statistics. Please see the Key Quality Information section of the annual statistical release Examination results.

Forced Marriage Unit statistics (FMU)

The FMU is a joint Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) and HO unit working on the government’s forced marriage policy, outreach and casework. It operates both inside the UK, where support is provided to any individual, and overseas, where consular assistance is provided to British nationals, including dual nationals.

These data are published as official statistics. Please see the User guide to: Forced Marriage Unit statistics (FMU) for quality and methodology information.

Gender pay difference in Wales by year (median hourly earnings full-time employees excluding overtime) (StatsWales)

The data are taken from the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE), which is run by the ONS. These are published as Accredited Official Statistics. Please see the Summary information and Statistical quality information tabs section on the Gender pay difference in Wales by year (median hourly earnings full-time employees excluding overtime) (£) (StatsWales)

Global Citizenship Education, analysis provided by WJEC (see corresponding data tables)

Analysis provided by WJEC for the production of the wellbeing report. 

Gross disposable household income (ONS)

For an overview of the methodology used to compile regional accounts outputs, please see the Regional accounts methodology guide (ONS). This guide is intended to give the user an understanding of what comprises regional accounts in the UK, how regional estimates of GVA(I), GVA(P), GVA(B), GDHI and GFCF are compiled, the different data that are used in the compilation of the estimates, and the concepts that underpin the whole process.

Regional gross disposable household income, UK statistical bulletins (ONS)

Regional gross disposable household income is designated Accredited Official Statistics. Please see the Regional gross disposable household income quality and methodology information (ONS).

Health expectancies in Wales with inequality gap (PHW)

Please see the “technical document” which can be downloaded from the webpage. The ONS continue to publish the SII at national level as part of their Health state life expectancies release (ONS)

Homelessness statistics

Please see Homelessness: quality report for information on what these statistics are; users and uses; the data processing cycle; standards; and quality.

Homelessness accommodation provision and rough sleeping

Details on the quality of the statistics can be found in the quality and methodology information section of the publication.

Households below average income: for financial years ending 1995 to 2023 (Department for Work and Pensions (DWP))

These data are designated as Accredited Official Statistics. Please see the Household below average income series: quality and methodology information report FYE 2021(DWP) for more information.

Immigration and refugee statistics (HO)

These data are sourced from HO administrative data, which are published as Accredited Official Statistics. Please see the User Guide to Immigration Statistics (HO) for information on the quality and methodology of the HO data.

Additional information can be found in the Notes tabs of the data tables.

Tables used

Asy_D11 – immigration statistics 

Res_D01 – refugee statistics

Improving race equality in crime and justice policy (Wales Centre for Public Policy)

International students, percentage of the student population at Welsh higher education institutions who are international students, StatsWales and HESA data analysis.

More information is available in the HESA Student Record quality report. These data are published as official statistics.

These data are designated as Accredited Official Statistics. Please see the quality information section of release for quality and methodology information.

Inflation and cost of living for household groups, UK (ONS)

This provides information on the impact of inflation on different types of households. See the Data source and quality section of the report. 

Labour market in the regions of the UK (ONS)

This bulletin uses data collected from the Labour Force Survey (LFS), and the Annual Population Survey (APS) derived from it, the largest household survey in the UK. These data are published as Accredited Official Statistics. 

Quality and methodology information on strengths, limitations and appropriate uses, is available in the LFS QMI (ONS). The LFS performance and quality monitoring reports (ONS) provide data on response rates and quality-related issues.

Labour market overview

These data are designated as Accredited Official Statistics. Please see the quality information section in the latest monthly report.

Labour market statistics (APS)

These data are designated as Accredited Official Statistics. Please see the quality information section of the release for quality and methodology information.

Life expectancy (ONS)

Health state life expectancies data are designated as Accredited Official Statistics. Please see the measuring the data and strengths and limitations sections of the bulletin for quality and methodology information. More quality and methodology information on strengths, limitations, appropriate uses, and how the data were created is available in the Health state life expectancies, UK QMI (ONS).

Life expectancy and mortality in Wales (PHW)

The Life expectancy and mortality in Wales publication describes trends in life expectancy, healthy life expectancy and mortality, along with life expectancy decomposition analysis in Wales. 

The notes sections provide further guidance on the indicator definition, any caveats, and the methods and data sources used. Some of the data sources used do not constitute Official Statistics. 

Material deprivation and low income

The DWP use the Family Resources Survey to publish statistics about children and pensioners in material deprivation in their Households below average income report (DWP), broken down for UK countries and regions of England.

These data are designated as Accredited Official Statistics. Please see the Household below average income series: quality and methodology information report (DWP) for more information.

Maternity and birth statistics

This release focuses on statistics for births using data sourced from Maternity Indicators dataset (MI ds) and the National Community Child Health Database (NCCHD). The MI ds combines a child’s birth record with their mother’s initial assessment record (where possible). All statistics produced from this source are experimental statistics (GSS) as the dataset is still relatively new and not all data items have a high percentage of valid data recorded.

Please see the quality and methodology information section of the release for quality and methodology information.

Modern Slavery, National Referral Mechanism statistics (HO)

Please see the quality information section of the report for quality and methodology information. These data are published as official statistics. 

Mortality statistics for England and Wales are designated as Accredited Official Statistics. Quality and methodology information for mortality statistics is available in the Mortality statistics in England and Wales QMI (ONS) and the User guide to mortality statistics (ONS). Additional sources of quality and methodology information for the mortality statistics used in the Wellbeing of Wales report are listed below. 

Avoidable mortality in Great Britain (ONS)

More quality and methodology information can be found in the measuring the data and strengths and limitations sections of the release. 

Deaths registered in England and Wales (ONS)

Deaths registered summary statistics (ONS)

Deaths related to drug poisoning in England and Wales (ONS)

More quality and methodology information is available in the Deaths related to drug poisoning in England and Wales QMI (ONS).

Socioeconomic inequalities in avoidable mortality in Wales (ONS)

More quality and methodology information on strengths, limitations, appropriate uses, and how the data were created is available in the Socioeconomic inequalities in avoidable mortality QMI (ONS).

Ukraine sponsorship scheme statistics, HO and Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC)

Ukraine sponsorship scheme (HO)

Devolved administrations at local authority level (DLUHC)

National Survey for Wales (NSW)

These data are designated as Accredited Official Statistics. Please see the quality reports for the NSW results on the technical Information page.

For information on the methodology used in the Poverty and deprivation (NSW): April 2022 to March 2023 report see the technical report on Regression analysis, April 2021 to March 2022.

Participation of young people in education and the labour market: 2021 and 2022(provisional)

These data are designated as Accredited Official Statistics. Please see the quality information section of the release for quality and methodology information.

Percentage of people moderately or very satisfied with their jobs by age (StatsWales)

These data are collected as part of the NSW. Please see the quality information of the NSW section for quality and methodology information.

Mid-year population estimates quality and methodology information (ONS)

Persistent poverty

Data on persistent poverty in Wales comes from the DWP. These data are published as Official Statistics. Please see 

Income Dynamics: background information and methodology (DWP) for quality and methodology information.

Post-16 learning statistics by learners' ethnic group

This report sets out the baseline statistics on post-16 learning for learners with different ethnic backgrounds so that inequalities can be identified and monitored going forward. Please see Section 13 (Quality and methodology information) of the report for quality and methodology information.

Personal Wellbeing (ONS)

Annual personal well-being estimates (ONS)

These data are published as Accredited Official Statistics. Data for personal well-being estimates are sourced from the APS, which is the UK’s largest household survey containing the ONS personal well-being questions. Please see the Personal well-being in the UK QMI (ONS) for quality and methodology information. 

Personal and economic well-being (ONS)

The analysis presented in this publication is based on two different data sources, the APS and Effects of Taxes and Benefits (ETB).  Please see the quality and methodology section of the release for more information. Further quality and methodology information for the data sources can be found in the APS QMI (ONS) and Effects of taxes and benefits on household income (ETB) QMI (ONS).

Public service vehicles

These data are derived from annual returns made to the Department for Transport (DfT) by a sample of 700 holders of Public Service Vehicle operators’ licences (‘the PSV survey’). This survey provides information on passenger journeys, vehicle miles, passenger receipts and operating costs. Separate, smaller surveys managed by DfT collect information about fare changes, service reliability and quarterly patronage from the larger bus operators.

Full details of the data sources and methods used can be found in the guidance (DfT).

Real Living Wage (Living Wage Foundation)

The Living Wage Foundation is a campaigning organisation in the United Kingdom which aims to persuade employers to pay a living wage. Please see section 4 (methodology) of the report on calculating the Real Living Wage 2023 (Living Wage Foundation) for quality and methodology information.

Regional and sub-regional productivity, UK: 2022 (ONS)

Please see the Measuring the data and Strengths and limitations sections of the report for quality and methodology information.

Regional gross value added (balanced) per head and income components (ONS)

For an overview of the methodology used to compile regional accounts outputs, please see the Regional accounts methodology guide (ONS). This guide is intended to give the user an understanding of what comprises regional accounts in the UK, how regional estimates of GVA(I), GVA(P), GVA(B), GDHI and GFCF are compiled, the different data that are used in the compilation of the estimates, and the concepts that underpin the whole process.

Regional Gross Value Added (Balanced) estimates are designated as Accredited Official Statistics. Please see the Regional gross value added (balanced) Quality and Methodology Information (ONS).

Regional labour market statistics in the UK Statistical bulletins (ONS)

This bulletin uses data collected from the LFS, and the APS derived from it, the largest household survey in the UK. These data are designated as Accredited Official Statistics.

Quality and methodology information on strengths, limitations and appropriate uses, is available in the LFS QMI (ONS). The LFS performance and quality monitoring reports (ONS) provide data on response rates and quality-related issues.

Relative income poverty

These data are designated as Accredited Official Statistics. Please see Household below average income series: quality and methodology information report (DWP) for more information. 

Road traffic

These data are designated as Accredited Official Statistics. Please see the quality information for more information.

Schools' census results

Statistics on schools, teachers and pupils including data for local authorities and Wales each year. The School Census is usually undertaken in January each year but in 2021 and 2022 was undertaken in April and February respectively due to disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. School census data is designated as Accredited Official Statistics. Please see the quality and methodology section of the report for quality and methodology information.

School Workforce Census

These data are published as Official Statistics in development. Please see the methodology section of the report for quality and methodology information.

Skills and Employment Survey: Work in Wales, 2006 to 2017

These are not published as Official Statistics. Please see the methodology section of the report for quality and methodology information.

State of Natural Resources Report (SoNaRR) 2020 (Natural Resources Wales (NRW))

The State of Natural Resources Report is created by NRW. 

Please see SoNaRR 2020: Our Method (NRW) for an overview of the method NRW of Natural Resources (SMNR).

Further quality and methodology information can be found in the chapters corresponding to the eight broad ecosystems (NRW) and the eight cross cutting themes (NRW) used in SoNaRR2020.

Student Health and Wellbeing Survey (School Health Research Network (SHRN))

The survey is carried out by the SHRN, which is a partnership between Welsh Government; PHW; Cancer Research UK; the Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research, Data and Methods (WISERD); and Cardiff University. The survey is undertaken every two years, and provides a regular snapshot of the health behaviours of 11 to 16 year olds in Wales. The survey is completed online in the classroom setting. In 2019/20, almost 120,000 students took part in the survey.

Please see the Methods section of the report for further quality and methodology information. 

Suicide rates in the UK Quality and methodology information (ONS)

Transport statistics Great Britain (DfT)

Information about the transport statistics can be found on their guidance page (DfT), including source documents, accompanying notes and definitions and supporting technical documents (DfT). These data are designated as Accredited Official Statistics.

UK Butterfly Monitoring Scheme (UKBMS)

These data are designated as Official Statistics. 

UK statistics on waste (Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs)

These data are designated as Official Statistics. Please see the methodology section for more information. 

Ultra low emission vehicle statistics (DfT)

Almost all the statistics in the vehicle licensing statistics series are derived from extracts of the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) vehicle database. The main purpose of the database is to administer vehicle registration and licensing records (for Great Britain prior to July 2014, and for the whole of the United Kingdom since this date).

All the statistics derived from the DVLA vehicle licensing database are designated as Accredited Official Statistics. Please see the Vehicle Licensing Statistics: Notes and Definitions (DVLA) for quality and methodology information.

Vaccine uptake in children in Wales (PHW)

Vaccination uptake data are provided by the PHW national COVER scheme. These data are not published as official statistics. This surveillance scheme, which is run by the PHW Vaccine Preventable Disease Programme (VPDP) and Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre (CDSC), calculates vaccine coverage using data from National Community Child Health Database (NCCHD). The NCCHD is maintained by NHS Wales Information Service (NWIS) and is comprised of extracted records of all health board Child Health office database across Wales. The NCCHD is refreshed on a quarterly basis.

The denominator of uptake calculations used in the annual COVER report is the number of children registered with Child Health offices who reached key measurement birthdays during the April to march year and were living and resident in Welsh health boards as at the end of this period. Children are deemed to be vaccinated by a measurement age if they have a documented vaccination date in their child health record, which is before the relevant birthday.

Data quality within the NCCHD may diminish for older children who receive less frequent contact from health care professionals, and whose child health records may be updated less frequently.

Wales bathing water quality report (NRW)

Please see the monitoring and classification in 2022 section of the report for quality and methodology information.

Welsh Housing Conditions Survey (assessment of elements of the Welsh Housing Quality Standard): April 2017 to March 2018

This release looks at an assessment of some elements of the Welsh Housing Quality Standard (WHQS) as measured by the Welsh Housing Conditions Survey 2017-18. Users wanting to look at trends in meeting the quality standard for social housing over time should use the Welsh Housing Quality Standard Official Statistics, those wanting to compare across tenures should use the Welsh Housing Conditions Survey WHQS report (noting that only a subset of elements have been measured). The two data sources are not directly comparable. Further information on how the survey assessed the Welsh Housing Quality Standard can be found in the WHQS technical report.

Welsh Housing Quality Standard

These official statistics present information from the annual data collection measuring the self-reported progress made by social landlords in achieving the Welsh Housing Quality Standard (WHQS) for their stock. Further information on the quality of these statistics can be found in the WHQS Quality Report.

Welsh language data from the APS

These data are designated as Accredited Official Statistics. Contextual, quality and methodology information can be found in the Summary information and Statistical quality information tabs of the Annual Population Survey Welsh Language StatsWales tables

The APS is carried out by the ONS. Details about how the survey is developed and carried out can be found in the APS quality and methodology information (ONS) report.