Welsh Revenue Authority Board minutes: 26 September 2023
Minutes from the Welsh Revenue Authority (WRA) Board meeting held on 26 September 2023.
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In this page
- Ruth Glazzard, Chair
- Jocelyn Davies, Deputy Chair
- Dyfed Alsop, CEO
- Rebecca Godfrey, COO/SD
- Mary Champion, Non-Executive Member
- Jim Scopes, Non-Executive Member
- Rheon Tomos, Non-Executive Member
- Karen Athanatos, Staff-Elected Member
- The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting, noting that this would be the last meeting for the outgoing Staff-Elected Member (SEM). No conflicts of interest were declared, and no apologies were received. Attendees included representatives from the Welsh Treasury (WT), and presenters and observers from the WRA.
- It was noted that feedback from the proposed agent visiting programme referenced in the Performance Update paper would be welcomed. It was also important to note the pleasing customer feedback on WRA services. The latest ARAC minutes would be made available at the November Board meeting.
- The minutes of the previous meeting (June ’23) were agreed as an accurate record, with minor amendments to paragraphs 2.5 and 2.6.
- In terms of committee actions, it was noted that no feedback on webinars and lessons learnt had been received but providing advice and giving agents the opportunity to ask questions remained a valuable activity. The action could be closed.
- The recent SEM election process had taken place and a new SEM appointed, to start in October. The Chair extended thanks to the outgoing SEM for their hard work and valuable contribution to the Board.
CEO/ AO Report
- It was clarified that the circulated report did not specifically relate to Quarter 1; it also extended to recent activity.
- It was noted that the QED contracts consultation had taken less time than originally anticipated. This could be attributed to transparency, the prioritisation of people within the organisation, and exemplary work on the part of HR.
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- Members agreed that the CE and Tîm Arwain (TA) were correctly planning for future years budgets with the information they had at this time, standing by previously used principles on pay, and considering all likely scenarios.
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SDLG Report
- It was noted that the report related to Quarter 1 and a more recent update would be provided at the next meeting, along with the report on the relevant quarter.
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- It was confirmed that a review of corporate systems was underway. Feedback from external users of the HR system would be sought to inform whether the current system could be reimplemented more effectively. The Finance system had yet to be reviewed.
- High-performance training had helped SDLG improve considerably in its planning and prioritisation.
Finance & ARAC report
- It was noted that it had not been possible to approve the ARAC minutes in time for the Board meeting and it was agreed that the timing of the September Board meeting required review.
- The final audit for the annual report had gone well and there was nothing to escalate to the Board. The report had been successfully published, despite unavoidable delays. Thanks were extended to all those involved, for working with the revised, more in-depth approach, and time would be spent confirming ways in which the process could be improved for the following year.
- It was agreed that the risk reporting map would be circulated with the ARAC minutes when they became available.
A23-03-01: Timing of September Board meeting to be reviewed.
A23-03-02: Risk Reporting Map to be circulated with the approved ARAC minutes.
Remuneration committee update
Welsh Treasury Report
Board discussion
Visitor Levy / Statutory Licensing Scheme
Board Development session - reflections
- Members agreed that the high-performance session had been a valuable use of time and conversations had been supportive, open, and respectful. A clear set of actions had resulted from the session, particularly ways in which the Board could provide more support to the WRA and external relationships.
Risk reflections & financial implications
- The Chief Finance Officer provided a summary of the risk and financial implications related to the day’s discussions.
Meeting closing
- There was no further business to report.
- Support would be provided to carry out the actions from the Board development session.
- Members provided reflections on how the meeting had run and fed back to each other on what they had brought to the meeting.
- Thanks and good wishes were expressed to the Chief of Finance who would shortly be leaving the WRA.
- The next meeting would be a Board Conversation on 25 October.
Redacted information
There are certain circumstances where it is not appropriate to share all of the information contained within the Board minutes, for example, where it contains personal or commercial data or relates to the formulation of government policy or the effective conduct of public affairs. In such circumstances, the information has been redacted and the text is marked clearly that this has been the case.