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Data presented in this statistical headline are an annual financial yearly average (April to March of the following year) and illustrate yearly changing occupancy rates and bed availability. An underlying monthly data series is also available: NHS beds (StatsWales).

Main points

The latest data show small increases in the number of average daily available beds and beds occupied. The occupancy rate also increased slightly. Beds available and beds occupied remain slightly below their pre-pandemic levels. The long term trend of decreasing availability and occupancy has levelled off somewhat in recent years.

The average daily number of available beds in 2023-24 was 10,447, an increase of 47 (0.4%) compared to 2022-23.

The average daily number of occupied beds in 2022-23 was 9,020, an increase of 132 (1.5%) compared to 2022-23.

The percentage occupancy of NHS beds in 2023-24 was 86.3%. This is an increase of 0.8 percentage points compared to 2022-23.

Long term change

Since the current data collection began in 1996-97, both the average number of daily occupied beds and available beds have decreased, but have levelled off in recent years. The percentage occupancy increased gradually until 2016-17. Following a dip during 2020-21, the occupancy rate rose sharply into 2022 and has since returned to pre-pandemic levels.

Further background

Note that the long term strategy for healthcare in Wales is to provide care closer to home by increasing community and GP services, meaning reduced demand for hospital beds over time. More detail on this can be found in ‘A healthier Wales: the long term plan for health and social care‘.

Advances in healthcare technology have also resulted in shorter lengths of stay and more day surgery. Data on average length of stay is available from Admitted Patient Care (APC) Data Online (NHS Digital Health and Care Wales).

Contact details

Statistician: Rhys Strafford

Media: 0300 025 8099